Okay, I'll bite. Does this name actually mean anything (in Finnish)?
I appreciate and respect what this guy do. But why do we celebrate tuberculosis?
Cybersecurity... to protect the citizen?
I thought they already have the perfect protection.
Am I tripping or does the neck resemble another face?
Fuck... Are you me?
You must be one of those entitled parents, or people who get offended on behalf of others. Either way, I have nothing to say to you.
I did in the past. This is why I research any piece of hardware I'm about to buy.
There is a difference between disciplining and helicoptering.
I guess including conflict of people trying to take your kids and ransom them.
I say fuck people like this. And if you are people like this, then fuck you too.
Public space is for public, not just your kids. If you let your kids run wild, then you are sacrificing other people's freedom.
Also, this is how entitled little bitches are created. Do you want your kid to be an entitled little bitch?
Once he's enraged, we won't be dealing with a Tame Impala.