This is the man that decommissioned a very large percentage of our auto mail machines, good way to shit over all the USPS staff and cripple the whole system.
They sent a message saying they would bomb in 2 hours. This is putting American troops at risk
Something elon IS supporting
There are already people living this lifestyle, unfortunately one only has the choice if you have lots of money.
From the heart :salute:
Hey, maybe we will get some liberals spreading out a bit.
My and my buddies get excited when we run out, we use them for target practice. More if a rifle thing where you can get some distance, they are rather unpredictable depending on how you hit it and if gas is still present.
Import/export subscriptions
They want Trump to get the credit :/
Idk, dude behind almost has bigger tuts =/
Is there any sort of system to peer review papers or just making current papers more accessible? I love the idea of that, but we still need to make sure research is being double checked before making claims and being able to promote it as research.
Don't forget Tuli was on the chat too, I sure do feel safe with our inept leaders.