So I've been trying to use Jellyfin for a long, LONG time now, and I've never really been able to use it remotely reliable.
I can go on for a long time about all the problems I've faced, lets just say that after years I can still not use it to watch something with the family because there is always something not working, I could start about hardware decoding having worked for a while and then suddenly without explanation no longer working, but lets start with subtitles...
I just want to have subtitles actually load without having to sacrifice a goat to whatever god is out there to have subtitles work. What is the problem that subtitles just 99% of the time don't work?
Worse, sometimes they work while watching a show, and a jellyfin update comes by and, you guessed it, subtitles no longer work for that show, even though they work for some other movies, sometimes...
I am a software engineer, I do loads of devops, I can find my way around, but jellyfin is just... I dunno what to do anymore. Is there a reliable alternative, perhaps, that actually just works?
I've long given up on the dream that I could have something similar to netflix for all my movies and shows that aren't on netflix, where I can scrub with images, for example, I just want to be able to watch a show with the family with subtitles without fiddling for 30 minutes to try and get it to work.
Current setup is google-tv with 0.17.9 client, and the latest docker server. Shows seem to have okay subtitles on web client, but on google-tv, every time I select a subtitle, I get a "subtitles loading" message, and then 10-20 seconds later a "failed to load subtitles" message.
The two things that have sown division in this world since forever, rich and poor, and religions
I'd get rid of all religions if I could, but if not that, this is a good step. Schools are not about indoctrinated ideas, it's about learning science and facts. Sure, teach about religions (and don't skip the parts where religion absolutely fucked this world over sideways) but sldont condone the practice of it on school grounds.
If you want to live in the stone Age then go back to a country where that is allowed. If you want to live in a civilized country, then don't expect your religion to be catered to at every corner.