At this point, why does anyone even want/try to get into the usa if something like this is a big possibility to happen?
Which story are you talking about? The recent one about Jessica Brösche or something else?
You probably (already) love thunderf00t videos. If not, look him up.
Looks like you never used any usb devices. /s
With 2018 you are waaaaaaay ahead of the most other people.
Can you say why? The opensource project is already insanely good.
I am on kubuntu and on a intel igpu. The search results mostly read arch plus nvidia as a bad combination. Perhaps or probably i just got lucky with my hardware.
Definitely not the case.
What was the issue with kubuntu?
The moment when you try to rename a folder in windows from Hello to hello and it doesn't work.
I had a similar built T14 with the ryzen 8840 cpu for a week. It had the worst coil whine ever. I don't understand why ptoducts like this even exist.
Does someone has the source?