
joined 2 years ago

inb4 why youtube link when piped exists I have been struggling to find a piped instance that works recently. The instances I've tried are either Bad Gateways, dont exist at all anymore, or their search box just doesnt work (I type something in and hit enter/click the search button and just nothing happens)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Oh, Im sorry. If I'm honest I completely forgot. Here it is:

You will need ffmpeg installed, and I did write it for Linux, so I'm not sure if there are differences for windows. Worst case you need to slightly modify it to work on windows.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests
import os
import subprocess
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import sys

def download_video_chunks(base_url, output_file):
    Downloads video chunks from the given base URL and merges them into a single file.

    :param base_url: The URL to the playlist or base directory containing the video chunks.
    :param output_file: The name of the output video file (e.g., "output.mp4").
        # Get the playlist file (e.g., .m3u8 or .ts index file)
        print(f"Fetching playlist or video chunk URLs from: {base_url}", flush=True)
        response = requests.get(base_url, timeout=10)
        # Parse the playlist to get the chunk URLs
        lines = response.text.splitlines()
        chunk_urls = [urljoin(base_url, line) for line in lines if line and not line.startswith("#")]

        if not chunk_urls:
            print("No video chunks found in the provided URL.", flush=True)

        # Create a directory for storing chunks
        os.makedirs("video_chunks", exist_ok=True)

        # Download each chunk
        chunk_files = []
        for idx, chunk_url in enumerate(chunk_urls):
            chunk_file = os.path.join("video_chunks", f"chunk_{idx:04d}.ts")
            print(f"Downloading {chunk_url}...", flush=True)

            with requests.get(chunk_url, stream=True) as chunk_response:
                with open(chunk_file, "wb") as f:
                    for chunk in chunk_response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):


        # Merge the chunks into a single file using ffmpeg
        print("Merging chunks...", flush=True)
        with open("file_list.txt", "w") as f:
            for chunk_file in chunk_files:
                f.write(f"file '{chunk_file}'\n")["ffmpeg", "-f", "concat", "-safe", "0", "-i", "file_list.txt", "-c", "copy", output_file], check=True)

        print(f"Video saved as {output_file}", flush=True)

    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print(f"An error occurred while downloading: {e}", flush=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        print(f"An error occurred while merging: {e}", flush=True)
        # Clean up temporary files
        if os.path.exists("file_list.txt"):
        for chunk_file in chunk_files:
        # if os.path.exists("video_chunks"):
            # os.rmdir("video_chunks")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    base_url = input("Enter the URL of the video playlist or base directory: ")
    output_file = input("Enter the output video file name (e.g., output.mp4): ")
    print(f"Starting download process for playlist: {base_url}", flush=True)
    download_video_chunks(base_url, output_file)

If you guys can recommend a fair and open pastebin alternative for me I will upload it there as well and edit this with the link

[–] [email protected] 46 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

When a page is so bloated with crap, certain elements load much after certain others, leading me to believe the page has loaded, and to click on something jus as somthing else loads and pushes it down/to the side.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I think i wrote a short python script to do this on another site. Let me get home and see if i can help you out

[–] [email protected] 41 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

Will test and edit. Ill leave my automatic upvote on, so first person to read this please downvote this comment

Edit: no no guys, stop upvoting 🤣

Edit 2: sorry OP, guess i cant test out my theory, which was that if you leave your upvote, but get downvoted once, it shows up as 0

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

I most certainly do not know how this specific thing is xD

I will say however, you took the saying "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome" to heart haha


Should I just buy the cheapest PS3 Eye camera from ebay and see whether I get the flat lens or round lens, and proceed accordingly?

Its a real hassle to determine if its a flat or round lens from the photos people upload on ebay, as they're not very good quality.

Edit: I found a really cheap one on ebay which was at auction and got the highest bid (it was a little over 4 euro with another 4 shipping, so honestly not bad at all). When it arrives I'll try out the steps in the video and report back here I guess. Hopefully it can help people when buying these cameras to not struggle looking for the rounded lenses and worry that if they dont get that one they cant do their project.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Just a sidenote about ntfs & ext4.

ntfs doesnt require defragmentation on SSDs, and it actually might lower the lifespan of your SSD because of the increase in unnecessary read/writes.

ext4 IIRC works just fine as long as your drive is at most 90% full and you keep that last 10% free.

Its been a while since i read up on that fact about ext4 so someone more experienced can correct me if im wrong

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

You've done what now?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

I scripted something similar for my bspwm setup. They are useful

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Because thats what you've been brainwashed to think the world wants, so thats what you hear

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

Will install it now and check it out. Ill save this thread so i can give feedback in the future :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Definitely don't take my word for it, im no onion expert either. I might be translating it wrong, or it might just be what ive got used to calling it my whole life :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Ill be honest I planted this on a whim a few months ago when it was still summer over here (around september). They basically didnt sprout until a month ago, and I wasn't really watering them consistently. They sprouted with the first rain we had all on their own, so yea im inclined to agree with you xD


Hello everyone! I have this issue with my steam on arch linux where it takes about 5 minutes and sometimes more to start, then I keep getting connection errors when trying to sign in. Ive opened an issue on the github page you can read for more details (logs etc)

Basically now I'm wondering if I should just reinstall steam and see if that fixes it. Here is the situation though. I have a steam library in my /home partition, as well as on a separate hard drive which is always mounted. I have copied the steamapps directory from the home side of things to a temporary location, so I assume if I reinstall and copy it back I should have all my games and stuff set up exactly as they were before the issue? Also, do I need to backup the steamapps directory from the hard drive which is separate to /home?

The reason I'm so hesitant to just wipe everything and reinstall, is because I spent a good couple of weeks trying to get Silent Hunter 3 set up with steamtinkerlaunch, and even on release it was quite a finnicky game, let alone 20-something years later on linux running through proton, and now I have it at a point where it works.

Anyway, I would love some help, so thanks in advance!

P.s. Updating system didn't solve issue

Just checked, and I have all the dependencies listed on the package page satisfied in some form. Now, whether some version is slightly outdated, I don't know how to check

Reinstalling steam doesn't seem to fix the issue.

pacman -R steam-native-runtime steam
pacman -S steam

When launching from the terminal again I get the same output. The 2 lines that stand out are the following:

src/clientdll/steamengine.cpp (2773) : Assertion Failed: CSteamEngine::BMainLoop appears to have stalled > 15 seconds without event signalled
src/clientdll/steamengine.cpp (2773) : Assertion Failed: CSteamEngine::BMainLoop appears to have stalled > 15 seconds without event signalled

Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this?

[SOLUTION] I had to run

pacman -Syu steam

which seems to have also installed a package called lsb-release

Im not sure why running a full system upgrade and also uninstalling and reinstalling steam didn't also grab this package when I did those, but there you go. I do a full system update by simply running yay as to my understanding that is the same as running yay -Syu but it first runs pacman -Syu. If anyone could provide some insight into why that might be I would appreciate that so I can learn from this experience. Thanks again everyone who tried to help!


Hello everyone!

So I installed BetterF3 using their .jar all-in-one installer and tweaked some of the settings to get my F3 to look how I want it, but after when I installed Complementary Shaders using their all-in-one .jar installer, it created a separate Iris & Sodium option in my minecraft launcher. I didnt think much of it as it is also installing fabric, so I thought my BetterF3 mod in my .minecraft/mods directory would be loaded automatically, but thats not the case.

The game looks amazing with the shader so I want to keep that on, but I also want my nice looking F3 menu back. How can i do that?

Thanks in advance!

P.s. In the image I attached, 1 is the fabric installation made with the BetterF3 installer, and 2 is the one made with the Complementary Shaders installer.



Hello again. A few days ago I made the post in the link above which is about getting Silent Hunter 3 working with the LSH3 megamod, and I got a great answer in there to use steamtinkerlaunch to run separate executables just once (e.g. to install JSGME mod manager and to install the actual megamod LSH3).

After playing for a bit I decided I want a little more control over what mods are installed, and decided to switch to the GWX megamod, so I completely uninstalled SH3 and its folder in the steamapps/common folder, and reinstalled it cleanly. Then using wine I ran the 4GB patch so that the game would use 4GB instead of 2GB memory which is required for running many mods. The memory usage can get quite high. After that I loaded all my desired mods with JSGME.

The game starts fine, and I can do all the training missions and the single missions, but I cant start a campaign. After the loading bar for entering a campaign patrol fills up, there is a delay of a couple minutes (normal for GWX as during that stage it is loading all its mods and any other mods you have enabled), and then crashes to desktop. This clearly means that it is running out of memory while loading mods. However after running the patcher to increase the memory limit of the executable I get a new sh3.exe file and my original gets renamed to sh3.exe.Backup, which seems to show that the patch has been applied correctly.

Could anyone help me diagnose this issue please?

Thanks in advance!

Edit 1 (SOLUTION): So what ended up working for me was simply making the game run using proton 6.3-8. I did try version 4.3 as well, but that didnt seem to be working that well with the widegui mod I have. Thanks to all who gave suggestions!

Edit 2: Editing to add 2 more things to the solution. Because of frequent crashes while in the career patrol, I ended up lowering the Particle Density to 90 and also do not create any saves while out on patrol. Not sure which of the two actually stopped the crashing, but so far I've played for about 20 hours with no crash.


Hello guys! Recently re watched Das Boot (amazing film btw for those who haven't seen it, highly recommend) and that inspired me to install my SH3 from steam. The thing is its the first time I'm going to be playing on Linux, and I'm a bit stumped on how I can install the LSH3 supermod. The instructions for the 2022 version of LSH3 state that you simply run the provided .exe (due to this being steam proton I placed it in the game directory but this doesn't seem to be required) and run it. However I can't seem to figure out how I can use an existing proton environment to run an executable which is not the actual steam game for that environment. Can anybody help with this?

As a bonus question, because this game is quite old there are quite a few mods available for it, and the best way to activate them after downloading (on windows at least) is through JSGME. However I also cant figure out how to install that in the game directory. I have downloaded its installer but dont know how to actually run it.

I have included the link to the LSH3 2022 install manual as well as a screenshot of my game directory with files related to this post circled.

Any insight would be amazing!


Hello everybody! My brother plays Insurgency Sandstorm a lot and I wanted us to be able to play together, so I got it and after some messing about got it working on my system. One of the things I read in forum posts to do to get it to work on an Arch based system is to install glibc-eac-bin which has some patches to make certain games work (I hope I understood that correctly).

Today when I try to update my system I get the following message and it will not allow me to continue:

:: Starting full system upgrade...

resolving dependencies...

looking for conflicting packages...

:: glibc-2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-1 and glibc-eac-bin-2.40-1 are in conflict. Remove glibc-eac-bin? [y/N]

I dont want to remove glibc, but i want the message to go away and to be able to proceed with my updates. Any suggestions on what I should do?

Thanks in advance


Hello everyone! I just wanted to ask if its possible to make mods for Hogwarts Legacy entirely on a Linux machine, and if it is if anyone can point me to any resources to get started with setting it up on Linux (guides specific to making actual mods I can probably find easily and I guess will be relevant regardless of if the guide is made on a Windows machine).

That's all, and thanks in advance!

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