When a page is so bloated with crap, certain elements load much after certain others, leading me to believe the page has loaded, and to click on something jus as somthing else loads and pushes it down/to the side.
I think i wrote a short python script to do this on another site. Let me get home and see if i can help you out
Will test and edit. Ill leave my automatic upvote on, so first person to read this please downvote this comment
Edit: no no guys, stop upvoting 🤣
Edit 2: sorry OP, guess i cant test out my theory, which was that if you leave your upvote, but get downvoted once, it shows up as 0
I most certainly do not know how this specific thing is xD
I will say however, you took the saying "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome" to heart haha
Just a sidenote about ntfs & ext4.
ntfs doesnt require defragmentation on SSDs, and it actually might lower the lifespan of your SSD because of the increase in unnecessary read/writes.
ext4 IIRC works just fine as long as your drive is at most 90% full and you keep that last 10% free.
Its been a while since i read up on that fact about ext4 so someone more experienced can correct me if im wrong
You've done what now?
I scripted something similar for my bspwm setup. They are useful
Because thats what you've been brainwashed to think the world wants, so thats what you hear
Will install it now and check it out. Ill save this thread so i can give feedback in the future :)
Definitely don't take my word for it, im no onion expert either. I might be translating it wrong, or it might just be what ive got used to calling it my whole life :)
Ill be honest I planted this on a whim a few months ago when it was still summer over here (around september). They basically didnt sprout until a month ago, and I wasn't really watering them consistently. They sprouted with the first rain we had all on their own, so yea im inclined to agree with you xD
Oh, Im sorry. If I'm honest I completely forgot. Here it is:
You will need ffmpeg installed, and I did write it for Linux, so I'm not sure if there are differences for windows. Worst case you need to slightly modify it to work on windows.
If you guys can recommend a fair and open pastebin alternative for me I will upload it there as well and edit this with the link