Legitimate interest to train AI
The argument here is actually that they didn't find Sars-CoV-2, but that their controls to test against got mixed up with their samples. It doesn't matter, really. My point is that this got political very fast and that now we may never know
“It’s like finding an iPhone in a pharaoh’s tomb,” says Worobey—you either have to rewrite history, or you have to consider the possibility that one of the archaeologists dropped their phone.
Well said, there's even a deeper layer: Ask the question "states' rights to do what?" (A: slavery). The same can be asked of the freedom convoy: "personal rights to do what?" (A: infect and kill others with a highly contagious and dangerous disease). Their exercise of personal rights in the way that some people did, should have been prosecuted as goddamn manslaughter. Same for covid denying government officials in many countries
Yeah, I think 'conclusively' disproven or proven anything is not realistic here. Lab leak has a lot of things going for it too. Here's just a recent example
Are you referring to these studies btw? https://www.wired.com/story/flawed-covid-19-origin-theory-italy/
A lot of things were wrong during covid. For example, I'm now convinced of the lab leak theory, having thought of it as a right wing conspiracy for too long. Polarized politics clouds our judgement on both sides. Yes, there were and are a lot of right wing loons, but that doesn't mean they were wrong about everything.
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