the public as exit liquidity. again.
indeed. republicans do not care.
Texas' lieutenant governor suggests grandparents are willing to die for US economy
If you're interested, I can dig up those papers for you.
absolutely! perhaps post in your community?
thanks for the excellent back and forth.
Using advanced analysis based on full genome sequences, researchers from the University of Cambridge have found evidence that modern humans are the result of a genetic mixing event between two ancient populations that diverged around 1.5 million years ago. About 300,000 years ago, these groups came back together, with one group contributing 80% of the genetic makeup of modern humans and the other contributing 20%.
almost skipped this article. glad I didnt.
Oh yeah, the video is protectionist bullshit.
yup 👍
the rest of your reply suggests that we are probably on the same wavelength, with the addition that sane glucose supplementation has been very effective in high energy output activities.
the best thing you can do for your health right now is to minimize or eliminate added sweeteners from your daily life - tough, but doable.
...and avoid propaganda videos :-)
edit: just noticed some of the communities you moderate. looks really interesting. joined.
your links redirect to targets that do not allow Tor exits without javascript (sigh) :-(
so... not arguing that fructose (or sucrose for that matter) is good in any way. glucose is likely the healthiest energy dense sweetener (human bodies are literally built to run on it) - but lets face it - its not "sweet enough" for general commercial use.
the tangent that we seem to be on is unrelated to my general criticism of the video, but its a fun covo, so lets continue anyway.
HFCS has fructose and sucrose bound together. as soon as it hits the stomach its instantly split into its constituant parts and becomes exactly like sugar. we can talk about fructose to sucrose ratios, but in most cases its almost exactly the same ratios as sugar. the video claims that HFCS is worse than sugar... that is not backed by fact at all. both are processed additives that in excess (the american diet) will likely kill you early.
I am in agreement that almost any added sweetener is bad for you. period.
however, what I am really attempting to point out is that the video is full of bro-science, conjecture and belief parading as fact and made more virulent by a sliver of truth that all good propaganda contains. to my mind the video is absolutely a political propaganda piece wrapped up in bro bullshit, masquerading as something else - its a generic libertarian and Robert F. Kennedy lovechild.
receipts! thank you.
the proletariat is too overworked, distracted and disinterested. there will be much pain.
the first massive red flag (among many) is the claim high fructose corn syrup is worse for you than e.g. cane sugar. any added sweetner is likely bad for you, but there is zero hard evidence that HFCS is somehow worse. you can find lots of easily readable information on this. here is an example.
what is true is that dirt cheap sweeteners like HFCS get put into dirt cheap, garbage "food". thats the real issue - but its not touched by this video.
as with any good propaganda there is a ribbon of truthiness through the video, but the video concludes with libertarian talking points about consumer choice regulating the market. bullshit! consumers generally buy whats available and what they are told to buy.
the video offers a completely biased and simplified view of societal interaction with large producers when a multitude of options are not only available, but needed.
as @just_[email protected] pointed out, this is pure maga entry-point pablum wrapped in a slickly produced, minimalist package designed to give you the "lets just talk, bro" vibe. its as destructive as the added sugar they claim to rail against.
humans (as opposed to AI summarizers), watch it if you wish, but recognize that this is not accidental propaganda - this is weaponized propoganda that begins the mental hijacking process and culminates in the shutting down of independent thinking.
pastafarianism and the satanic temple - here I come!
my belief system requires that I do not assist republicans, conservatives and broad swaths of non-progressive christian denominations.
corporations and the wealthy love it. been enjoyers since time popped into existence.
really informative and interesting read.