I can remember only having 3 TV channels, and they closed down sometime around midnight until the morning. You got the fuzzy black and white bits of CBR on the screen when they turned the signal off
When videos came out, only my richer friends had them and they were few and far between, we used to have an after school video club where we'd pay 10p to watch a film in the AV room (sat on a carpet of old piss stains)
The internet didn't exist, and I saw my first computer while at secondary school in the late 80's (I'm thinking BBC commodore or something, I can't really remember)
I feel so fucking old right now lol
That'll be the test card
Also there was 'the interludes' when they had to fill in a mini gap between programs, including, my personal favourite 'the potters wheel'
Also do you remember the public safety films? The don't go near deep water Content Warning- includes Jimmy Saville, stay away from the slurry pit, how to survive the bomb and the one that gave me nightmares broken glass (I can never frolic barefoot on the beach because of this film)
If my generation has emotional scaring it's because of these films..
edit- for those that want a nightmare fueled trip down memory lane the bfi Public Information Film archives