because it was cheaper labor
at some point, eventually, maybe... american's will come to realise chinas economic growth and domination of manufacturing and technology is built on a far more sophisticated suite of policies (good and bad) then they have been brainwashed into believing.
huawei isn't huawei bc they pay their employees less.
you should jump on a plane and check it out, genuinely fun country to travel in and you will learn a lot.
no im not a tankie, taiwan fucking rocks.
my suburb is build on old light industrial area. close to everything, great transport and bike paths.
the main problem we have is land banking property developers just sit on land and wait for its value to go up so they can flip and make bank for doing nothing. also what gets built is to maximise profits not provide appropriate housing for all, so we get a lot of "executive suites" with italian tiles, european appliance and other wank shit that's only there to drive up the price.
the answer as always is good quality public housing available to all (see vienna and singapore).
counter argument: taco rice and spam isn't actually healthy, but lying about obachan being dead so you can keep pocketing her pension means you can buy more chu-hai.
Smith Street