
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 20 hours ago

No fountain pens?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago

If you really need to, go without a phone and buy a cheap one there. Memorize a few numbers and use a single application to handle your communications.

I would probably be detained. I have no mainstream social media, keep no images on my phone and don't use gmail.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There's wisdom to be found in any book. What someone gains from any source depends entirely on them.

If a person is to read the most hatred filled book ever written in human kind history and set it down saying everything in it is wrong, even when the book was pourposefully written to spread and instill it, that person is bigger than the book and became bigger after reading it.

So, please, don't be so hasteful on labelling someone as delusional just because they take comfort on something you personally disregard as useful.

The problem arises when someone says the way they understand a given source is the only right one.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

And what I read and understood was a loathing for the regime and social practices by it enacted onto the general populatio ln and not a generalized hatred towards the average individual. I also found there was an exageration to their words, although crude, but every person has their way to convey emotion.

There are better ways to confront people on their views than to start from insult.

Did my replies come out as shouting? Damn. Not what I intended.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 2 days ago

I have two dogs and they bark at me in an unique way when requesting my attention or when I'm arriving home, so I expect that to be my "name" to them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

You need me to recap this exchange inception? Allow me.

I injected myself in this as you made your opinion on how another person was racist torwards chinese in general, as they saw China, the country, as in the regime, as dangerous.

You ascertained your moral high ground out of being well travelled and cultured, without ever addressing a single point of the other person's argument. Your concern was their apparent racism under your higher morality.

I opted by criticizing this position of your, by clearly stating why and how someone can loathe a country's regime without having nothing against the people living there, adding in the process why I personally find America snd China's regimes parallels, although ideologically opposite.

Again, you chose reiterating I am wrong in my views but without addressing a single point of it, except for making vague hollow observations that add nothing to the conversation, not adding counter points of information. Twice.

I've already deemed this a closed argument. I am doing it again. Be well, have a good one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (5 children)

You finished waving your red herrings around?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (7 children)

I like how you instantly decided I was talking about China when writing that list. Shows your bias. But if you recognized it, good. Only means the similarities run deep enough for both countries to be mistaken by one another.

Thank you for remembering China has, technically, the longest standing continuous civilization. I'm aware. But since we are focusing our attention on recent history, let's say last 70 years, I'm going to opt out the rest as not relevant for the discussion at hand.

Shall we deny the revolution led by Mao ended in violence against his own countrymen and revolutionary allies? The decades of disastrous policies, of cultural, religious and social repression, all of those considered classical indicators of established totalitarian regimes?

Meanwhile, across the Pacific, let's also ignore and deny the ever growing shadow power and pressure on the government by the "conservative" to hold back or cull whatever small advancements on the social front made, since the 1950's, paired with the constant recitation of the fear against communism.

There was violence and repression on both ends of this argument, obviously; one enacted it through bullets, while the other enacted it through the pen. Different methods, same results. Fascinating how any ideology, when led to it's extremes degenerates into essentially the same outcome.

Now, if you will allow me, I am going to preserve my critical and accusatory position towards the political establishments of China and USA, as both being authoritarian repressive dangerous regimes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Came into the thread just looking for that and was not disappointed!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

There is a sciemce fiction book on that, from Ray Bradbury.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Cuttlefish? And crabs!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (4 children)

You're forgetting octopi, otters, squids, and maybe ants or other social insect.


My partner is currently job hunting and I've got to know some very ugly behaviours from interviewers and train staff, towards the people applying for those jobs.

From snarky attitudes, to blattant lies and attempts on trying to withold information or ignore legal impositions and rights, these companies are power tripping and the people in them are deranged.

Well, I happen to have a job and am fairly aware of my rights, so I'm considering applying for these interviews and throw some poison back at this people.


Please allow me to share a little bit too much before going to the point of the post.

Last November I decided to enroll in a course to get official recognition of something I've been doing for the last twenty years, which is to put together and install computers. The course is Computer Hardware and Repair/Fault Diagnosis (loose translation)

I learned the hard way, by myself, making mistakes and taking apart old machines and trying to revive hardware I was constantly told it was useless and/or obsolete. Linux was a great part of this. I'm an obnoxious FOSS/Linux crusader and I'm not ashamed.

In order to finish a course where I gained absolutely zero new knowledge and was taken as non-serious for stating I do not use anything but Linux for my daily computer needs I now have to, with no relation whatsoever and classes on it, design on paper a computer network.

Because I'm petty, I'd like to design it completely around Linux and FOSS solutions. Just to mess with the people that have even imposed I have to write the assigment in Word, with Arial font.

Please, point me towards some sources I can use. Nothing too in depth is necessary.


I know the lithium batteries are supposed to be a pain to recycle but how are the conventional ones broken down to recover all the materials?

I have a bucket I throw dead batteries into and picking it up made me realize just how heavy it is. That is a lot of metal. And metal is money.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm about to start putting together some simple furniture and one thing I want is to have the option to collapse it, if I need to move it out of a room.

I've looked into confirmat screws and those are incredibly strong but have the downside of requiring specialized drill bits to use. These screws I can get easily in my market, in 500 units boxes.

Are there other options I can look into?

Added information

Material to be used will either be OSB3 or plywood.


Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!


I'm in Europe, where american football isn't a thing and the NFL is nothing we care about.

We also tend to have better standards to serve and eat our food.

So why am I to find this crap in Lidl?


Let's keep posting our treasure hauls, to spite the americans.


So I've been completely out of the waters for years but the way things are nowadays I have to sail again the high seas.

But to where?

Are there any general purpose torrent search engines like there used to be?


I need/slash want to build a few pieces of furniture for my house.

After visiting a shop, I had the carpenter go on a long tirade on how my choice on OSB was poor, when compared to the standard plywood the shop uses for their work, being weaker and not as "clean" looking.

We personally like OSB, here. We already have a few pieces and the rough look of the material is our style.

But is it really a poorer choice when compared to plywood?

The next project will be a bookcase and it will have to withstand a heavy load.

I brought a small strip of plywood home with me, as a sample. The material is made up of five layers. If necessary, I can upload a picture later.

I intend to use 15mm material for the sides of the boxes that will compose the bookcase, with 9mm for the back. These specifications exist for OSB; on plywood, I was told the closest is 13mm and 6mm.

Can someone share some advice and knowledge in what can be the better choice to build this project?


Prep Time: 10 minutes

Bake Time: 1 hour 10 minutes


4 egg whites 
3/4 Cup [400g] heavy cream 
4 1/2 Cups [1000g] Quark (plain)
4 egg yolks 
3/4 Cup [150g] sugar 
1/4 Cup [50g] vanilla sugar 
1/2 Cup [70g] corn starch 
4 TBSP lemon juice 


Preheat oven to 350F/175C.
Beat heavy cream to stiff peaks using a hand or stand mixer with the whisk attachment. Set aside.
Separate eggs and set egg yolks aside.
Beat egg whites to stiff peaks using a hand or stand mixer with the whisk attachment. Set aside.
Add Quark, sugar, vanilla sugar, egg yolks, lemon juice, and corn starch to a medium sized mixing bowl. Sitr to combine using a whisk.
Carefully fold the heavy cream and then the egg whites into the batter.
Pour batter into a prepared springform pan.
Bake cheesecake for 60-70 minutes. If it starts turning too brown, cover with foil.
Turn off oven, open the door a little, and let the cheesecake sit for another 10-15 minutes.
Take cheesecake out of oven and let cool.
Cover and store cheesecake in the fridge for up to a week.
Serve with a side of whipped cream or fresh berries.
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm torn between being shitty food porn or crimes against humanity food.

Cast your vote.


Next, I think I'm going to try the None Pizza With Side Beef

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