
joined 1 year ago

I had trouble a while ago with a roommate who was resisting cleaning up his room when I needed to get everyone out to deal with roaches that came in when I was trying to help a friend who needed to look for a new room to rent. He's still looking and he's blown multiple opportunities by not having the money saved when he was told to move in. He's living with his family right now.

The owner of the house was extremely generous and he said he didn't want to do an eviction or force me to kick anyone out around the holidays but he also didn't want to wait until January or February to start dealing with the roaches. I paid for everyone to have a storage unit for two months to keep their stuff in while I worked on dealing with the problem. Everyone else got packed up and moved most of their stuff out quickly. The roommate with autism dragged his feet with cleaning up. I told him that he had to get move of his stuff moved out by November or I was going to kick him out because I'm not getting evicted because I have a roommate who filled his room with junk and refuses to clean. There mostly wasn't actual trash but he had way too much stuff for the room that he was living in.

Right now I'm working on setting clear expectations with him because I don't want the problem happening again and then I have to kick him out. A lot of his stuff is still in storage which he's paying for now, so he has to go through it and throw stuff away. I told him while we were cleaning that he could focus entirely on just taking stuff out temporarily and he didn't need to make a decision at the time, which is what I think saved him because I don't think he would have been able to get stuff moved out by November if he had been trying to make decisions about what to throw away.

I've been talking to him about learning how to throw stuff away because it's something that he clearly hasn't got comfortable with. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions that I can give him? It doesn't matter to me if he wants to perpetually pay for a storage unit to keep stuff in, but if he's keeping it there long term then he might as well throw it away because obviously he's not using it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Being more likely to be a victim and a perpetrator are not mutually exclusive.

I think the crimes most likely to be committed by autistic people are prohibition related or possibly violent crimes that happen in the heat of the moment.

On average though autistic people probably aren't more likely to commit crimes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

My sister thinks this way. It's possible that she just has a lot fewer impairments than other people, and that makes it easier for her to pass. I try to convey that what might be easy for her could be incredibly difficult for other people.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

This is the thing I worry about. I think it's especially a problem for ADHD people. I can very easily imagine an autistic person who has been isolated and socially rejected being very worried about social judgement and rejection, so they end up participating in serious crimes out of fear of rejection.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I don't think that having autism is necessarily a defense and on its own certainly doesn't justify an insanity defense.

Obviously, most autistic are not likely to commit a serious non victimless crime. There are some crimes were autistic people are over represented, but on average they are less likely to commit violent crimes.

The empathy issue is complicated though. From what I understand, autistic people have more emotional empathy but less cognitive empathy. More cognitive empathy is also not always a good thing. Caring about other people can also lead to doing heinous things in the name of supposed compassion to people who are seen as perpetrators. It can also lead to evil acts that are seen as compassionate, such as euthanasia.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

If a copyright bot makes false DMCA notices, the programmers should be held responsible as if they sent out the notices. That's how we'd handle it for any other crime.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

The DMCA still has a lot of problems. Like if someone uploads something behind a paywall, the victim has to pay before they can even send a valid notice.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You can probably post on 7.62x54r.ru. Reddit had a decent number of anti-establishment leftists who would join up with conservatives on shared issues. I haven't seen any spaces like that on Lemmy.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Far right radicalization will get worse if progressives leave X. Conservatives will stick around simply because they aren't banned and then the white supremacists will be free to start pulling them without push back.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

If you're condition causes you impairment with how well you function and your overall mood, then it's worth talking to a professional who can help you make changes that would be positive.

I've noticed that autism and ADHD have a lot of overlap but there's also things that make them distinct.

I've encountered a lot of people with autism who aren't remotely shy and can talk with other people fine.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

They'd get banned for spam.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

I feel like Lemmy also has a problem with corporate troll farms.

Reddit is far worse though with bots and establishment troll farm shill accounts.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

I agree with the sentiment, but it doesn't hold up in reality.

Having any sort of engagement with rightoids results in your feed getting filled with Nazi shit.


I've been starting to open my mind to changing my ideas about masking. A lot of them come from my sister who struggled very heavily with wanting to appear like everyone else and not stand out, so I'm biased based on experience.

At the same time, I recognize that forcing or pressuring people into masking when they don't understand why would be traumatic to them and ultimately do the opposite of what is intended.

I feel like unmasking should be done in private or around people who will understand it. Unmasking could in theory be done all the time, but not everyone would understand it.

What's your position on it? Do you mask in public but not in private or around only people who understand it?

I want to work on being more accepting and I have feelings in both directions.


It's not a serious hording issue or anything like that, but there's way more stuff then I want and we let things go since the pandemic. We've always been good about making sure that actual trash eventually gets thrown away.

There's also a huge problem downstairs because I rent out the rooms down there and the 'beards never take care of the house and actively try to cause as much trouble as they can it seems like. I've had to ban food in rooms and eating in rooms and mandate disposable plates and utensils because they don't get washed otherwise, even though it's wasteful.

If I wasn't going downstairs to clean up after the 'beards, it would become an unsanitary hoarding situation.

I know that cleaning isn't always fun but eventually the situation will get away from you.


White supremacists celebrate a middle eastern religion that worshiped "Alaha" and culturally enriched Europe by wiping out the indigenous religions and resulted in over a thousand years of women wearing hijabs.


I feel like it's a bit of a long shot. I could see how certain things like being depressed could contribute to being withdrawn and lead to a lack of social skills.

I feel like my sister was misdiagnosed because I tend to be the voice of compassion when we talk about issues related to people with autism.

And of course there's a correlation between having autism and being trans.


It feels like it was intended to be a religious allegory considering the other symbolism in the game.


egg_irl (imgr.r3df0x.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bonus points if anyone remembers the game this is from.

Egg is a meme for a trans person who hasn't realized it yet.

Context: In that level you play as a female character. It will be 20 years old in November.

deleted (7.62x54r.ru)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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