4 balls means constant rage and hornyness. Also you get buff without having to work out.
He did actually save those homeless people.
He is clearly a rivertaur.
The thing about being deceived is you don't know when it's happening.
Ya, pretty darn cute.
You are the worm and I am the eagle. You criticize me for failing to crawl properly.
I really am doubting cause-effect here. I think it's one of those useful dumbed-down cartoons we use to get from A to B and to satisfy our need for a coherent narrative.
But more specifically, yes, the money associations. Shakiness compounded.
Well I was hoping that we would jump straight to discussing the idea instead of spending time explaining it.
I think that attributing ultimate cause, or authorship, or ownership, when it comes to things as serious as money, to be built upon shakey ground
Yes, I think that the concept of cause-effect is inherently broken (tho useful, yes) and therefore the concept of ownership is broken. The game is broken.
I demand greater rigor from the latter because it is the system by which we run our society etc.
What is the proper approach to winning a broken game?
But you aren't demanding that I defend my claim, you are asking for clarification, right?
I think the important difference is that they offend in 2 different ways. Bullying offends your ... what, ego? And deception offends your morals? Or something like that.
I guess both offend your basic wellbeing too.