
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yep, you can. Came as a surprise to me as well at the time but you definitely can.

You probably got this already if you look ta the Tesseract page and how this all works but I wanted to share with you my docker-compose file to give you an idea how I did it. I find it helpful to look at examples of others sometimes.

Good luck!

# Docker Compose for : Tesseract
# This is a GUI frontend local hosted for Lemmy

    container_name: tesseract
    restart: always
      # The domain of Tesseract's 'default' instance. 
      # This is the only required config variable
      # By default, Tesseract locks itself to the configured instance. 
      # To allow users to add accounts from other instances, set this to false.
      # Feed, feed sort, and comment sort settings
      - PUBLIC_DEFAULT_FEED=Subscribed

      # Default to Dark Theme instead of "System"
      - PUBLIC_THEME=System

      # Media Proxying
      # Enable the media proxying module and make it available for use.  
      # It is disabled by default.
      # List of domains that should not be proxied (content reasons, because they won't 
      # work with the proxy, etc)
      # Pre-set the "Use media proxy" setting for all users.  
      # If set to false (default), users will need to go into Settings->Media 
      # to enable image proxying.

      # Media Caching; disabled by default. Enabled and configured here.
      # List of Invidious/Piped domains which should be used for detection. 
      # See docs/ for more in fo.
      - |-

      # List of instances that will be pre-populated into the instance selector on the 
      # community explorer page. 
      # The default instance is included by default and does not need to be listed here.
      - |-

    # Tesseract uses /app/cache inside the container to persist lookups and for the media cache. 
    # This will work without a volume, but anything cached will not persist after the container is restarted.
    # Note:  The host directory must be owned by UID/GID 1000.
      - ./cache:/app/cache
    # Bind to port 8081 instead of the container's default port of 3000
      - 8081:3000
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

So the comment sections are packed with birds then eh? 😃

But yeah, the language and attitudes in youtube comments are indeed quite...foul.

Had to do it.... 😁

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

If you like you could run Tesseract locally and use that as your UI front-end. It has filtering options and I quite like the overall look and feel of Tesseract.

I have it running on docker, route my nginx through it towards that container, works like a charm.

But then again, it seems the Lemmy developers are once again in "I don't give a f*ck" mode and keep breaking the API. This has basically made the developer of Tessaract give up on that project it seems:

Rant: as popular as Lemmy seems to be right now and continues to grow, we need some serious developers to work on Lemmy, not some snowflake child communist-wannabe nutjob. There, I said it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Lemmy cares about their own ideology and nothing else.

no i don't, therefore you lie. why would "we" listen to a liar?

[–] [email protected] 27 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Everything in this video is 'fixable' : hold the damn tab while pouring water, install the bin liner properly, cellophane is not that difficult, etc.

But the thing that triggers me like nothing else is the semi-perforated 'easy opening' half-circle of that carton box. Those fail without fail and I am convinced it is constructed by satan himself, just to mess with your mind and propel your anger to new heights. Same as with those easy to tear strips, they never rip in one go and always fail at about 5% of the tear-action. May the gods of retribution take extra notice and effort to espouse their vindictive cruel ways upon these so called 'designers' who invent them. May the fleas of a thousand camels invade the crotch of the person. And may their arms be to short too scratch.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 3 weeks ago

Defarge: We are so poor! We don't even have a language! Just a stupid accent!

Peasant: She's right. She's right. We all sound like Maurice Chevalier. Honh, honh, honh!

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 weeks ago

Should be short and sweet that explanation:

This week I have been fighting fascists who, under the guise of an illegitimate 'agency' and their deranged nazi saluting moronic leader, are trying to undermine and plunder our offices. I expect to do the same next week.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

And rightfully so!

I mean, the International Cat Court has been licking its chops to purrrsue these felineous crimes for years meow.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

So in simple terms, you propose to build a mom-and-pop shop and have it act like a global player like Amazon?

Congrats, it does not happen very often I sit in a chair and stare at the screen in disbelief!

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Never seen a more useless group of people in a room. This means nothing. It is like children pretending to be shop owners and playing business.

Just ignore this as it is meant to rile up people, just ignore them. Ukraine and Europe should send a message to russia that they are ready for a surrender and prepared to start talking about reparations from russia. If they do not respond continue bombing them. In fact, with the support of Europe Ukraine should expand the war into russia (beyond what they already have).

Main thing to take away from this is: ignore the children on a BS mission and setup a fact and reality based alternative where adults can join and discuss what to do with this war from russia and how to handle and close it.
If you respond to this nonsense meeting and get annoyed or whatever, you just legitimized that group of clowns.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

So always assume some piece of knowledge is not obvious for someone out there and share

You just described a thing of mine I cannot help but do; explain the ever loving crap out of things
I need to be careful with that though as relatives start to complain and push back on me telling things over and over.
Thing is, until I see a full comprehension on the other side on what I try to convey I just keep explaining in variations, keep finding metaphors and keep pestering you until you 'get it'. Some say it is a virtue, some say it is a hindrance.

I have had therapy on this... 😂


Not sure if this is the right place but lets give it a go.

We have a family account on iCloud so all iPhones (5 of them) can sync items on the phones to their laptops and so forth. One feature that is eating all the storage space we have on iCloud and that would be Photo's. We ran out of space and thus Backups, Photos, Contacts, etc. will not sync anymore. We can add more space in iCloud but I am not keen on keeping buying storage space with Apple.

So my thought was to have all Photo's older then xyz days/months/years stored somewhere else to free up space in that iCloud account. I do not want to delete these older photo's, just have them stored somewhere else but still accessible. So ideally I would be able to tell some app/solution to move photo's from a phone to something self hosted and the user of that phone can then keep seeing the photo's in either the Photos app or the app related to the self hosted solution.

Honestly, even more ideal would be to 'tell' the Photos app from Apple to use the self hosted storage and not the iCloud storage. This would make the transition transparent to all the family members. Some features might no longer work (that 'memories' feature perhaps?) but that is OK, being able to store photo's is more important.

Apologies if this has been asked before but my searching, which is admittedly is not that great from my side, found no answer I could translate to my issue. Any help is appreciated!

FYI, I am running Docker at home and can make services available on the internet with ngnix in front of it as proxy. I can also run a new service of course, the self hosting bit as it were.

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