
joined 2 years ago

I ended up watching all 20 min of this video. Crazy amount of thought and detail he put into it, and a very impressive result.

[–] 47 points 6 days ago (6 children)

FYI even if you have been vaccinated you may still need to get a booster.

TDLR: if you were vaccinated in the 1960s you may need a whole new course of boosters. Also, if you were vaccinated before 1989, you may need one additional shot, since the 2-shot model wasn't recommended by the CDC until then.

Stay safe out there folks.

It would be great if our legislators would serve reasonable term lengths instead of coasting on name recognition and being the lesser of two evils in reelections and literally stroking out at press conferences.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Interesting effect. Was the candle just a resist?

[–] 27 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My husband still browses Reddit regularly and when I asked him about this he said that the r/tattoos has definitely been taken over by AI training. A lot of the posts there are photos of tattoos with generic questions like "what is this style of tattoo called" or "how long would a tattoo like this last". The only useful results I've found recently are from years ago, and even then a lot of searches lead to discussions with a ton of deleted responses.

I went to the last one in DC. It was cold and rainy but everyone was in good spirits and having fun. Was great to be around all the other science needs. Got to hear Bill Nye speak in person.

I didn't find out about this one until a couple weeks out. I could have still gone, but this time around I just don't have the emotional strength to deal with everything going on and put on a good face for the sake of solidarity. I hope it was as good of an event this time and will be with them in spirit.

I've been learning it over the last few weeks, and I can say it definitely has a learning curve for folks used to the Microsoft style, it's pretty solid. Integration with the affinity photo and designer are nice too - moving assets across them is incredibly easy.

It's not free but it's really affordable, and it's not on a subscription so once you buy it you own it. Would recommend checking it out.

[–] 67 points 1 month ago (9 children)

This is a seriously stupid issue.

Why can't we deal with this like twitters name change where everyone basically ignores it and just keeps calling it the same name as before?


Is anyone actually surprised by this?

Agreed. Such a fun game, animation is great and humor is cute and quirky.

[–] 24 points 2 months ago (8 children)

I couldn't get through more than about a paragraph before getting prompted to subscribe so I'm still little confused.

Why get measurements of your child's erections in the first place? How does this son feel about his PHI being shared all over the internet? Hard to imagine anyone being okay with that.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Omg that looks awesome!

Bummer that they're out of stock...


ADP is showing this on all hr applications now- I've encountered it a few times and always hesitate before choosing. I don't want my resume to go even further down the vortex and feed an AI model but maybe opting out just eliminates you altogether from consideration.

Have you seen this before? How have you handled it?

[Extracted text from image :

This employer may use an artificial intelligence algorithm to provide an initial comparison of an applicant's education, experience, and skills against the education, experience and skill requirements in the job description. This analysis produces a Profile Relevancy score, which is intended to be one of many factors that a potential employer will review in making its interview decisions; there are no cut off scores and all applications are visible to employers. Read more about how these tools collect, store, and retain information and the results of the most recent impartial evaluations. The Profile Relevancy score for applicants who opt out will be listed as "Not Available."

(Checkbox) I want to opt out from having my resume reviewed by artificial intelligence as part of the application process. ]


Should be titled: Jaguar takes the wrong lesson from Tesla's Cybertruck.


I know it's a bit different from the typical movie review/analysis but thought this was an interesting take on a great Thanksgiving day classic.


I know this is basically the same as burning money, but I found this funny and I've got $7.99 burning a hole in my pocket...


I'm doing a month-long series of campy, classic and unique horror movies. I'm pretty liberal in what gets included, trying for a lot of variety. I'm particularly a fan of spooky comedies (like the Burbs), and generally avoiding big franchise horror series to see more unique stuff.

I'm enjoying seeing so many movies I would never come across any other way, even if many of them aren't all that great. So far my favorite is probably Cabin in the Woods or Happy Death Day.

Anything I should add to the list?

Watched (in order)

The Burbs Batman Death Becomes Her Slotherhouse Cabin in the Woods Happy Death Day Llamageddon The Thing Pride and Prejudice and Zombies The Final Girls Attack of the Killer Donuts Drag Me to Hell Ernest Scared Stupid Final Girl Killer Sofa

Coming up (no particular order)

We have a ghost The Babysitter Antebellum The Fly Little Monsters Rocky Horror Picture Show Last Night in Soho The Mousetrap Hell Baby Get Out Us Happy Death Day 2U Leprechaun The Cult of Humpty Dumpty Prom Night Killer Klowns From Outer Space Lisa Frankenstein Becky Cinderella's Revenge Saturday the 14th The Monster Squad Severance


Thanks, Onion, that does make me feel better.


God bless the FTC.




Finally some good news on a studio closure. So glad for the team at Tango they found someone to take them on.


If you haven't watched the olympic break dancing competition, do yourself a favor and check it out. The woman competing for Australia might be the best thing I've seen so far.

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