That's so great, especially those first two. Im just over 4 months and this really helps so thanks so much for sharing!!
WTF mate?!
I'm sorry but I disagree.
The last thing we want is for these states to accidentally reproduce.
Amazing, good for you! Care to share how it's helped, feeling better/healthier/happier?
I tend to think of it like a personal trainer, "push, you got this, one more rep". More positive and gender neutral.
God this is too real. One place I worked loved to pick odd company wide metrics too. Instead of just like "profit", 50% of our bonus would be determined by how low a % held stock was against revenue, globally... I worked in marketing. Needless to say the "bonus" did not motivate anyone.
Kids these days are giving me hope that the millennial cynicism had lost. I know the bullies we zoomers too, but overall I see a lot of positive change coming from this generation and I hope we have their back.
That is a chicken.
That is my brain on drugs.
My brain on drugs is a chicken.
Weed makes me paranoid.
Classic Kbin moment: The thumbnail is a photo of two kiwi birds from another post. I choose to believe these birds are also Trump's lawyers.
Yup, you don't need poison. Just sprinkle some miniaturized union pamphlets on the infestation and the colony will collapse in few weeks. Of course you risk a new infestation of ants with free time, safety regulations, and disposable income.
No! How dare she accurately describe the problem with American democracy!!