There's a js runtime called bun that is 90-something% feature equivalent to node and also has built in alternatives to many packages like express and bcrypt. I haven't used it myself so I can't speak to its quality but it's always nice to see a little competition
I'm pretty sure they did try to bring it back but it wasn't as popular because it wasn't Adam and Jamie
That's it. Thank you very much!
All pictures of space are artificially colored to make it easier to see patterns. I see no issue with this
edit: just realized the bit I was responding to was from the poster of the image but I'll leave this here anyway
There's also a book with a similar concept. It's not the focus until later in the book though. It's called
Tap for spoiler
Ready Player Two
Going by the numbers in the article, ~48% of all voters don't like either candidate. That puts the ratio of people who like their candidate to the people who don't like either at about the same as the Republican/Democrat split. If everyone voted for a candidate they actually like right now (assuming they find a third party they like), there's a chance it could happen this year. Even if it doesn't, 48% of people voting for a third party would show everyone else that it's a viable option.
Maybe none this year, but a big enough percentage of voters going third party would show the big two that we're sick of their shit. It would also help get this false dichotomy mindset out of the majority.
This seems like a good opportunity to push for voting third party.
Because they made it up with freedom
Yup. They even gave away Kevin's car