I'm not being snappy, but what part of the constitution are you talking about? Anything in specific?
Guess I haven't heard about that one.
I've seen similar options, but haven't heard of this one. Looks like my 17 yr old comp might be compatible. I wonder how compatible though, since most of my USB ports already don't work with my supported OS.
Anyway, thanks, I'll look more into it.
I guess that's true. But both are acting like everyone just has money to waste.
I'm not using windows, but apple does the same thing. My OS is 9 versions old because they won't let me upgrade without buying a new computer.
What in the constitution has been dismantled?
Are you referring to illegal aliens?
Protest for what? Not sure if you are referring to something in particular, or just in general.
The majority of people were tired of the democrats, and like what the republicans are doing. Under Biden for the past 4 years, I saw way more people who were democrat become republican, than I saw republicans become democrat.
I've seen one protest where I live, and there were maybe 30 people there.
Both sides seem to always act like the other side is tyrannical because the other side is doing things they don't like. And unless they cheated, they are doing what they were voted in to do. (Unless they lied about what they were going to do.)
Yep, I just can't buy that its legit.
Yeah, I'll read it.