
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

So yeah, my experience with women basically is from age 17 to 24.

You don't have much experience to be in this conversation. I'm legit happy you clicked with someone at that age, and seem well settled! But that's unusual, and again, that's not much of a resume.

Your hobby can be whatever. They want you, not your hobby, not your grooming. If you're fit and you can make her laugh, that's all you need.

Well... kinda. Not sure why you keep on about grooming not being important. Weird to me. But yes, be fit and make her laugh, good deal! But no, there's a bit more to attraction in most cases. Something here seems a bit shallow.

But hell, look at me and my wife. We're wildly physically attracted to each other. Her smell is like crack to me, and I've done my time with actual crack. We don't have much in common intellectually but we've found some hobbies and interests alike and shared unfamiliar hobbies and interests. In short, we've learned from one another, and that's important to me, and seems to be important to all the women I've been with. They always say I'm "interesting", even if they have, uh, other things to say.

We could probably learn a thing or two talking this out.

[–] 3 points 6 hours ago

I've had sex with 50+ women in life, many way above my "value", and most from when I was broke as fuck. Anyone that thinks it takes money to get laid is making excuses for something. And BTW, I'm 5'8" and 140lbs., a "manlet" I think I'm called?

As it turns out, I'm horny and a genuine human being. Women respond to that. (I also give good head. Write that down.)

[–] 4 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

I'm just here to pitch Stephen King's 11/20/63.

[–] 13 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) (1 children)

You're right, but consider how poisonous those names have been made to conservatives. Their ears automatically clamp shut.

Know the jacked up part? If conservatives listened to either one of those two, without knowing who they were, they would be all ears.

First time I heard Bernie was on NPR, had no idea who was talking, but I gathered it was a politician running for office. (This was him running against Hillary.)

"LOL, this guy is a joke. You can't actually answer questions honestly and in a straightforward manner. Holy shit! He just answered a question about Israel without mumbling around. Fucking love him, but whatever he's running for, he's going to lose."



Chicken shit.

[–] 5 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

What was the joke?!

Customer and I were talking about my busted rib and how miserable it is to cough or laugh. He laid this one on me (the timing is crucial) and put me in pain:

Know what they call the white stuff in chicken shit?

Chicken shit.

[–] 1 points 17 hours ago

Are you vagina shaped or simply an owner?

[–] 1 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Mainly so at "higher" levels, but marketing has legitimate uses. A politician you like campaigning is marketing. Advertising my little lawn service back in the day was marketing. A lot of great local places go under for lack of marketing. They're awesome, but no one knows they exist.

[–] 1 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) (1 children)

It's not mere personal gain with Putin. The man has a vision of returning Russia to glorious Soviet Union. Probably felt kicked in the balls when it all fell apart. Remember, he was the head of the KGB, an extraordinarily powerful man. Maybe even more powerful than the Premier? Dunno.

He likely felt he would quickly crush Ukraine, make them an example, and then move on to other lost, and weaker, countries.

[–] 3 points 17 hours ago

If wounded means combat ineffective, I'll take what I can get.

[–] 5 points 17 hours ago

Same reason we don't execute rapists. If death is the penalty, might as well risk killing the witness.

[–] 2 points 17 hours ago

First solid laugh of the day. I'm keeping that one.


Been at a desk for 20-years, now at physical labor. Recently figured out that I'm running a serious caloric deficit, and I'm already a skinny fucker. Also, I'm aiming to build a little muscle and a lot of endurance. How do I eat?!

Back when I was working hard, ate tons of fast food. Too expensive and time consuming, don't want off the clock to go eat (hour round trip including eating). Took a 12-hour shift today and did OK sucking down granola bars, water and kratom, ate my wife's kickass meal when I got home.

What can I cook or bring to work to power me? What's simple and cheap and doesn't require much on-site prep? (We have a microwave, toaster, all that, I just want calories and protein in my face with no fuss). Afraid I'm half-ass cannibalizing myself.


tl;dw: Autonomy, mastery and purpose is essential to happiness. Had all three, in spades, at a previous job. Left for double pay and benefits, total misery after losing them.

First time I watched, "Holy shit! He's about to talk about Linux!", and he did. "Hey! That's how Wikipedia works!", and it was.

I think on this every time I see comments about how someone isn't paid enough to give a shit, work harder. I was making $82K at my last job, miserable and struggled to understand what my damned problem was. Never knew employers existed that treated their people so well. Wife kept telling me I should be thankful, and I was! Yet I was deeply unhappy.

Now I'm driving a forklift and slinging mulch, satisfied as a pig in shit! Weird? I get it after internalizing this video.

  • Autonomy: If I see something that needs done, I jump on it. Don't need to ask the boss or get the team's consensus, I just fucking do it. I can look back and say, "I did that!" Nobody comes along and stops me, "Yeah, we don't really have to do that." Nope, I wanted to do that, proud of how it turned out.

  • Mastery: Sounds funny, but yes, I could spend a few years mastering all the fine details of this job. If I have nothing on my plate, I'm free to wander off and find someone that could use the help, learning more as I go. Getting better every day, feels good.

  • Purpose: Harder to define, but for me my purpose is to "move up". That means gaining the respect of my coworkers, maxing every raise, getting better shifts, getting promoted and generally doing what I want instead of being told. Already my managers trust me, not looking for work to assign, instead trusting me to find what needs done. Every manager I've met, bar none, started out on the bottom and worked their way up. The GM and one of the assistant managers were old IT guys that gave it up to throw rocks and guide people around lumber. One coworker told me I was one of two of the new hires he actually likes, rest are dipshits. Feels good.

Anyway, if you're unhappy with your job, or your personal life, give this video a shot. It's certainly not a "how to be happy" talk, but it shows much about what motivates us.


Gaetz and Boebert in there twice, heysus.


I've got 8 of these things, had them for a few years, never seen this weirdness.

Last time I charged it, it seemed fine until I turned it on. Now it's cycling through every mode; low -> high -> red -> red blinky. It's been doing this for 3 days! Had to shove it in my desk drawer because it's driving me nuts. No, it won't turn off.

Can't find any reference to this behavior. Ideas?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Not sure how to approach this so I'll just spew some thoughts.

Is there anything morally or legally wrong with taking pictures of MAGA-flag waving homes, looking the owners up on the local tax site and posting that information online? Pic, name, address, nothing else.

To my thoughts, they're proudly waving a flag promoting their beliefs. Could they legally complain for spreading that information? Isn't that the very purpose of a flag? Is it even doxxing when they proudly fly their flags? This isn't some person wishing to remain anonymous.

I'm certain lemmy would shut such a community down, in a New York minute, but why? If there are no calls for violence or harassment, why not help them spread their message?

Could such a site be deployed, perhaps outside social media? Zero chance of making such a site untraceable?

Got to nearly shaking in anger the other night as my legal, brown wife expressed her terror of being deported. Filipino FB is full of rumors and fear, and it seems mostly that, rumors. But we all know this administration won't stop with illegals.

I'm scared shitless, she's scared shitless, can we make the supporters scared shitless? And again, they're flying a flag, advertising to the world how they feel. Why should that make them afraid? And if they are, what can they do about it?


Anyone know the details? I'll start a new one if I can.

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