An error message you can get if you really manage to mess things up. I got it once a few years ago.
I don't know how widespread it is outside of metal, but I've been seeing more and more bands offering tapes. Sometimes a release is only on tape, other times the tape might be $6, the CD $15 and the LP $25, so there are different ties available for those who want a physical copy. I probably got 10 tapes or so within the last year.
Making it seem like it's predominately something done by middle-class men, or even rich people, helps to undermine public support for it because of the image people have of a stereotypical male cyclist, ie a well-off person riding a $1400 bike with a bunch of lycra clothes and tech gear pretending they're training for the Tour de France while they go through their midlife crisis. It's much less relatable an image for many people, who might say "Well, why do they need to ride on all the roads? They can just go on the paths in the park, or if they have so much money, they can go to a purpose-built facility."
If you frame it as though it's just going to benefit a bunch of people perceived to be living it up, you can drum up opposition from poor people, who don't want their taxes going to fund some BS project that only benefits people who are already doing alright. Your aunt that's busting her back trying to make ends meet and is trying to get back and forth to work and the shops on a bike one step up from a Wal-mart special can be much more relatable for many people who are struggling to keep up, can't really afford their car payment and might even use a bike if there were dedicated bike lanes. So people looking to discourage building out bike infrastructure will naturally prefer that everyone thinks the only ones who would benefit from these developments would be some middle-manager who owns his home, rides a bike that costs more than your rent and that has gone on more vacations in the last year than you have in the last two decades.
This works up to a certain size, then you start having to contend with more shameless money grabs, scalpers catching wind of things and making it impossible for actual fans/users of the product to get stuff for a reasonable price and more scammers.
Needle exchanges, methadone, nalaxone. All the things that let them keep using instead of getting clean.
2/3 of these are just things that let them not die as a result of use, and methadone is generally used to facilitate getting clean and minimizing withdrawal symptoms, so what exactly are you going on about here? People will use heroin regardless, but if you would prefer more entirely avoidable deaths, sure, get rid of needle exchanges and nalaxone, and enjoy community transmission of HIV and Hepatitis going up along with overdose deaths. That'll really teach 'em, I'm sure.
These aren't programs that facilitate ongoing use amongst addicted populations, they're just stop-gap measures that mitigate the worst outcomes within these groups, which impact everyone. If you think people are just going to stop shooting up because they can't get a clean needle or might OD on something that's been cut, I don't know where you've been for the last 40 years.
I have a TV for when I have time to play games on my PS3 or PS4 these days, but I watch the vast majority of my stuff on my computer. Unless I'm watching something that's available in 4K that I feel is worth it, why would I bother going to another room just to watch stuff that is streaming off my NAS and accessible on my computer anyway?
I feel like a lot of people just don't have much reason to turn on their TV to watch stuff unless they still have cable and want to watch live sports.
One thing this article overlooks that also contributes to this problem is the jobs that are available for these generations. Unfortunately, there are only so many jobs available in fields that offer an actual possibility at having a career, like being an engineer, programmer or getting into some well paying finance role. Lots of people around my age are stuck working jobs in the service industry, other "unskilled" labor, or turning to unstable gig economy jobs, and it's not exactly easy getting out of them and landing a job that offers the financial stability and security that would let them become more independent. When you're stuck in a job that doesn't even pay a living wage and half the country goes full commie hunting mode at the mere suggestion that we maintain even the very minimal and highly means tested social safety nets we have, it's no wonder younger people are finding it challenging, if not impossible, to make it on their own.
Just look at SNAP benefits eligibility in NY, one of the supposedly more progressive states in the country. If you have two newlywed millennials who are struggling to make ends meet, they're disqualified from receiving SNAP benefits if they make more than $25,644 gross between both of them. To stave off any, "But don't live in NYC if you don't make much money!" lets assume our hypothetical couple lives in the middle of nowhere upstate, somewhere like Colton, with a massive population estimated at 1,434 people. Since NY is backwards as hell, for some reason there are 3 different minimum wages, depending on where you live, and they drew the short straw living in the zone with the lowest minimum wage of $15/hour. If either one of them worked full-time, they would be disqualified from receiving benefits for making too much money. Upstate is not known for its robust public transportation, so in all likelihood, they would need to have at least one car between them to get to and from work and any other places they need to go, keep up with gas and repairs, pay rent, pay for groceries and pay utilities, without working more than 65.75 hours a week between the two of them on average if they are to have a chance at receiving any benefits. Say they do this, but don't even have a home and are sleeping in their car, grossing $2136 a month and just pay for gas and a phone bill, what do they qualify for? An absolutely princely sum of $135 a month!
That's hardly enough to live on, even in the parts of the state with the lowest cost of living, and you can't even realistically expect it to be enough to save up and move away somewhere else with better job prospects. It shouldn't really come as any great surprise that young people are finding it difficult to survive without support from their family in these sorts of situations, much less so in areas with a higher cost of living where wages are not that much better to make up for it.
It's not like they would actually go extinct entirely, they would just evolve in a different direction and have much smaller populations. There are wild bovines, turkeys, swines, etc. If chickens were cut loose to live in the wild, they could probably do alright for themselves, but you might see other traits favored than maximum egg-laying capacity or rapid growth that only serves to maximize farmer profit by reducing the time to be able to sell them off, for example. Local populations would likely collapse until they reached a more stable level, too, given they would have more limited food available, absent someone constantly feeding them.
It might now be the most common thing to use it for food in Brazil, but I've even seen pizza ads offering to finance a pizza in 4 installments.
You've really messed up if you've managed to get the extreme right and the extreme left both on the same page about your bullshit.