I appreciate the link and heads up
No worries, thanks for trying to explain it
Do you care to share what special type of lock you use?
DRM or not this is straight from Steam, you don't own what you "purchase". This isn't consumer friendly:
Steam Subscriber Agreement
B. Hardware, Subscriptions; Content and Services
Valve or third-party video games and in-game content, software associated with Hardware and any virtual items you trade, sell or purchase in a Steam Subscription Marketplace are referred to in this Agreement as "Content and Services;"
- Licenses
A. General Content and Services License
"The Content and Services are licensed, not sold. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Content and Services."
I would like to learn more about DRM on GoG if you wouldn't mind sharing.
Please publish to GoG as well. I want to support sites that are DRM free. Also I think it's smart to give native Linux support to show the industry that Linux is important rather than rely on compatibility tools that may or may not work well for any given game or setup.
I've been following this for some time and am excited to see it's progressing well
Use alternative ways of streaming content such as Kodi or Stremio with a debrid service that costs $17/6mo
Be prepared for your router to not work until you figure out how to set stuff up. So hopefully this isn't your only router. I converted a router to OpenWRT and my knowledge of networking was super basic. It was very confusing but I did get it working in a few days. However, I couldn't get some things working like a VPN or updating without wiping all my settings. OpenWRT is router firmware, not NAS software. You'll need to run something like CasaOS, OpenMediaVault, TrueNAS, etc for that.
This website is a great starting point for router configurations: https://routersecurity.org/#StartHere
I weight lift too and at my peak and any other time I never counted calories. I ate intuitively and foods from healthy sources. I understand everyone's body metabolizes differently but I see, especially in the fitness world, people harming their minds by focusing too much on calories.
Counting calories is an unhealthy mental obsession. Please just stay active and eat healthy foods from a quality source not packed with crap ingredients. I've seen many people go down that path and it ends up doing a lot of harm to them mentally
I like getting audio books from Libro.FM. It's all DRM free and some money gets donated to a bookstore of your choosing.
This is great. I've been planning to do something similar later this year. Thanks for the motivation