
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes, you're very right.

It just feels so wrong talking about plastic straws, while we produce more plastic than ever. Everyone buys new phones, plastic clothes and a thousand other things all the time.

We need to get away from single use objects to a circular economy. We need to get away from consumerism and endless growth to a society that values life and a habitable planet.

Talking about bad straws forgets to mention the million other bad things we use and throw away.

Yes, straws are bad. Single use plastic is bad. Individual transport is bad. Fashion clothing is bad. Littering is bad. And and and...

If we continue to be stuck discussing plastic straws forever, our society won't last much longer than paper straws.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Oh common, are we really circling this discussion forever?

We need to reduce burning fossil fuels, everything else is nice, but doesn't really make a dent in the graphs.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Oh man... I was about to comment satirically "this study was sponsored by coca-cola" but then I read your comment.

Sometimes it seems like there is no more need for satire, because reality has become a joke itself.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

The last few years have been harder than ever to clinge to any spark of hope. It feels so weird to go on business as usual in personal life. But what's the alternative? Depression won't save anything or anyone out there. I think I do what I personally can. I don't think it matters, but what to live for, if not ideals and believes? But the weight of hopelessness grows regardlessly and probably will keep growing.

I don't write this to get attention or pity or whatever. I write this, because I know countless people out there feel the same. It won't be fine. But also, you aren't alone. Living with dignity in a dying world is brutal. Don't feel too bad about it!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta cream pie!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

In this context ICE stands for "Immigration and Customs Enforcement".

For other like me that only know ICE as an abbreviation for "internal combustion engine".

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

So that's about 13,000 homo sapiens mothers?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

After the first third I just skimmed through the rest.

It appears to privileged to me to think "life is too boring". As far as I know the Austrian passport is strong and it should be possible to safe some money. It should be possible to leave the boring privilege behind and look for an exciting adventure.

The jobs in Europe may be boring, but your boss will pay all hours you worked according to a federal minimum budget at least. And honestly, there are more jobs, than just office, email, computer. Although maybe not an unsecure goldmine or other exciting stuff like living on a dump site, where chemicals might kill you.

Being jobless may be boring, but the government doesn't let you starve and tries to prevent you living on the street.

Medical and psychological problems? It may take months, but somebody will have a look at least. It's unlikely someone will chain you up at home... Wait, oh, nevermind, it's Austria we talk about!

The outside may be boring. Maybe it is, because it's unlikely you get robbed and raped. Also there are no invisible borders, which one can cross into gang land and never be seen again and there are no mines laying around.

I understand that it can feel mundane to live a relatively secure life.

Also I think, a lot of struggling people out there, with exciting lifes, unsure if they'll make this year, month, week, day, long for a boring life.

It read like the author is looking for some adventure, expecting society to provide the adventure for them, instead of looking for themselves.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

What are the two objects on the bottom? These foot holder things for riding horses, maybe?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 months ago

I like the idea that it were the outfits of some industrial revolution heavy metal band.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

Gasp! Oh no! Scientists are STUNNED IN DISBELIEVE! You won't believe what they ALARMINGLY discovered! /s

The nearly 3 million rivers that weave across the world are experiencing rapid and surprising changes, with potentially drastic implications for everything from drinking water supplies to flood risks, according to a new study.

Nearly half of the world’s largest downstream rivers — 44% — saw a drop in the amount of water flowing through them each year.

Gleason’s conclusion: “Holy cow, the rivers of the world are a lot different than we thought.” Some are changing by 5% or 10% a year, the report found. “That’s rapid, rapid change,” he said.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Polluting - I don't think so, except they're 2 stroke engines, which are rare, nowadays. These days you see even more and more electric bikes.

Inefficient - People often go 2, 3, 4 people on a bike that uses maybe 3 l/100km (78 MPG) or pull trailers wich stuff loaded, while using less space than a car.

Unsafe - totally less safe for the people on the vehicle. I don't know about pedestrians. However, a lot of the accidents happen, because poor education to get the license, if any; hardly any law enforcement and poor vehicle maintenance.

Noisy - not more than a ICE car. Some motorbikes here have broken exhausts, which make them noisy, but that again is a lacking law enforcement and maintenance issue.

I am aware, however, that driving 2 wheel vehicles in ice and snow is not a wise idea, so while it works in SEA, it would be different in colder climates.


I'm new to this app here. I come from Boost and wanted to try something new. I do like the app, however I have issues writing comments or posts.

My keyboard will cover the area where my text is, so while typing I am unable to read what I type.

If I want to read or correct my text, I need to tab the back button to close my keyboard.

I didn't find anything in the settings to prevent that. My keyboard is not floating.

Here are some screenshots:

^ I can't see the lower few rows of text.

^ after tabbing back to close the keyboard I can read but not correct. Tabbing on the text will open the keyboard, which will cover my text again.

^ installed version

My phone is an Android Oppo A5s (CPH1909).

Thanks for any help!

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