The contras were elected to government so...
They also were smuggling Crack into the states to fund the contras (who are terrorists)
For fitness its probably decent but Garmin seems to have placebo sleep tracking. In order to get anything remotely accurate the sleep tracking algorithm has to be compared to a lot of polysomnograph data. But because companies don't want to spend any more than they need to sleep tracking is usually just tacked on. Garmin hasn't shown a good track record in this regard.
I completely agree with you. There might be some exceptions but in general what you say is true: when there's a sea change, a zeigeist, young people are the first to sense it. You don't get sweeping changes and protests at the senior care facility.
I think it's also that the young have less to lose and more to gain. Most gen Xer are sitting around on their hands because they stand to lose much more than they gain. They have mortgage and car payments, children, and health insurance. If anything breaks, that can all come tumbling down.
The key word is "widescale". The reason is that a malignant narcissist can get a small group of cultists to do anything. But in order to get a large group of cultists to do something, he needs a propaganda machine like fox News and they have a much older demographic
So far all anti propaganda laws were passed in totalitarian states to suppress dissidents. But I think a good start would be to look at pre-existing limitations on free speech. Can you shout "fire" in a crowded theater just for funsies? No? Then we've already got a public safety caveat in our right to free speech. So you can't say something that will kill people IF IT IS A LIE. There are also time place and manner restrictions on free speech. So we agree there is a time and place where you can criticize the state. So we sort of believe that during public emergencies, such as during a pandemic, you cannot spread lies about the pandemic.
There are ways to prove lies.
When Obama elected to reinflate the housing bubble rather than provide affordable housing it set the stage for biden's loss. But the modern housing bubble began with Clinton.
It continued through multiple neoliberal administrations because those people value markets over anything else.
They were tricked by a propaganda machine. They may have been willing participants but had they known everything they never would have voted against their own interests. Yet every country in the western hemisphere, South America, Africa, Asia, and well everywhere doesn't have anti propaganda laws. If you're rich you can buy influence in any neo liberal country. Why is that?
Swisscows is still around. Good alternative
In the US it's legal for corporations to create propaganda outlets which stream nonstop lies designed to get sensitive individuals to vote fascists. It's impossible to have democratic elections and have completely disinformed and propagandized voters. Yet even after killing hundreds of thousands of conservative voters the courts have sided with the propaganda outlets.
Democratic values work really well. Things like public education, transparency laws, public discourse, and campaign finance reform all have been good for society. And it's why the conservatives (and to some extent the Liberals) oppose them. Stronger democratic controls on social media would be a big step away from fascism.
That place is abandoned likely because the farmer who lived there died or went into a senior care facility. There are houses like this one all over the world in rural areas and I can guarantee two things: poor infrastructure and septic tanks. The reason it's cheap is because no developer wants an undeveloped lot.