Wait i thought chess was not an Impartial game?
Im also not an expert but i believe since there Is still an ephemeral DH key exchange happening an attacker needs to actively MITM while having the certificate private key to decrypt the session. Passive capturing wont work
Fedora has firewalld by default but in the desktop version all ports are open by default. Pretty sure the server version only has ssh and cockpit exposed by default
I always loved the design of the DSi but tge 3DS is up there too! The DSi is just a bit sleeker
Power only USBC cables are super against the standard and i don't think data only cables can exist at all?
That's a really good idea! So good in fact that that is actually what they did call it! https://www.usb.org/document-library/usb4r-specification-v20
That is very very explicitly just the name of technical the specification. Its a documents for people who design usb devices. The tech media failed us by reporting on it like they did.
The spec also explicitly tells us that we should refer to the usb cables/ports/devices as e.g. "USB4 40Gib" or "USB 3 20GiB". So in fact we have easy to understand names but only a few manufacturers actually print that on the boxes or cables.
How do you do inter-pod communication witg quadlet? I never figured that out with podman kube play and just moved back to staring conatiners and creating networks from a shell script
I think ecc isn't more required for zfs then for any other file system. But the idea that many people have is that if somebody goes through the trouble of using raid and using zfs then the data must be important and so ecc makes sense.
My problem is that the laptop keyboard has an ISO layout but my preferred layout is ANSI. So i am sort of forced to switch when i occasionally have to use the laptop without an external keyboard. Also the international us layout on windows is bad because " and ' are dead keys and there's no way to fix it without installing a third party keyboard layout.
Personally I've had issues with it not being possible for the battery icon to showing a percentage. And the keyboard layout resets to the first one every time you unlock.
I am only messing with KVM/libvirt for fun so i have no professional experience in this but wouldn't you want to use virtio disks for best performance?