Shouldn't it at least be (potential yearly wage*50 + potential pension) adjusted for inflation?
My shitty napkin calculations puts that at about 750k, which still isn't a lot, but a helluva lot more than he actually got.
$7.5 * 40h * 45weeks * 50years = lost wages = 675k Wages * 0.1 = pension = 67.5k
They were revealed to brag to ad sellers about having access to tons of sensitive information about its customers, by spying on e.g. ambient conversations through smartphones and smart TVs, right?
Or was it them who requested customers install an xfinity root certificate on their phone, without telling it would enable xfinity to man-in-the-middle all their internet activity?
Funny, it's almost like fucking around with peoples' privacy and security inevitably leads to finding out
Very engaging read