Police should set up honeypots to catch these terrorists like they do with pedos, and remove them from western society.
Buy 👏Physical 👏Media 👏
Protesting against democracy, that's a good look.
Child abusers and neglectors should be held responsible, not have excuses made for.
Do kids even go wandering through the woods anymore, seems like all that land is housing developments now?
Schools, hospitals, and aid convoys that are hijacked and used by Hamas for conducting military operations, which makes them valid military targets under international law.
They need to switch to fiber optic or a simple coaxial cable (like SDI) with BNC connectors. That would end this madness with long cables being outrageous, and the connectors being flimsy.
They also need to separate audio back out into its own thing.
I expect the content delivery companies to do something stupid again with 8k (like when they rolled out 4K), and totally nerf the bitrate and encoding quality, making it look worse than a properly encoded high bitrate 720p/1080p file.
Should start checking college campuses for terrorist supporters and sympathizers.
Ted Stevens version of the Internet.
What's next a warning label on breathing? Warning, failure to inhale and exhale will cause oxygen deprivation and death?
Hey, that's the combination to my luggage!