Thank fuck Canada has the balls to look into this.
You didn't read beyond the headline, did you?
There's probably some level of confidence he can dismantle elections, but I think he's also just scared of getting shot at again.
Those kids do not deserve what is likely going to happen to them. After watching the rest die, when it's too late, while struggling not to succumb herself, will she change her tune?
Oh, I see. They should have agreed to a ceasebomb instead.
I think there are many people who can't handle 4 years of economic hardship. A lot of folks are barely making ends meet as-is.
"made in america" tends to mean "we imported a bunch of the components and did the final assembly in the US"
glissando on the first syllable of 'marble' works great in my head!
You've been hit by, You've been struck by, A smooth marble
Bonus points for the cedilla
In my experience joints typically either don't have a filter or have a handmade filter. They're delicate, and rolling it between your fingers can open up the end and spill things out. So it's better to have a more precise grip on them.
This is the first time I've seen you break character. Hope you're taking care of yourself in this challenging environment for satire.