I'm taking a doombreak from doompurging my house into a doomdumpster. Doomspringcleaning if you doomwill. Doomday to you.
I'd say an equally large issue is that of people not voting in Ontario. The election last month saw our 2nd lowest turn out in recent history, with the lowest being the election before.
I'd love ranked choice, but I'd settle for proportional. Ontario's apathy towards voting due to "my vote won't matter" or "I don't like either option" is stupid and frustrating.
Samsung SSDs are quite competitive on pricing these days. I saw some on Newegg.ca for under CAD$250 for 2TB which is pretty good.
When you're looking, just keep in mind the requirements from Sony, mainly sizing because it would suck to buy something that doesn't fit. Pay special attention to dimensions if you decide to go with a heatsinked stick.
More people voting could have actually changed everything. I clicked through probably 2 dozen ridings on elections.on.ca > unofficial results and only 2 had a margin greater than ~7k and some were under 1k.
Mushkegowuk—James Bay has a margin of 4.
My own riding saw the NDP incumbent also win, but only by a margin of ~1600 while being one of the higher voter turnout outs of ~51%.
Thought the same thing, actually elated after reading the bottom text because it wasn't.