Dem Duke boys done did it again!
Well, they need to be shown the consequences of what happens if you do gay things, of course.
If Trump gets back in and they implement that “Project 2025” where they plan to fire 50k government workers and replace them with far right wingnuts, I can envision such a future.
Alito just signaled that they’re not satisfied with just overturning Roe, he’s gunning to overturn Obergefel. I wonder which states it’ll be unsafe to travel through for fear of not being able to see my SO if they get hurt and have to go to the hospital. I wonder if any states will try to ban people with gay marriages from entering.
With the terms of service for their “anti spam” and “productivity auto-sorting” features, they must gather SO much data about people by reading their emails - there’s no way they’d turn that off lol
I’m off to the bank to check out a book!
I usually search the model on eBay, CL & fb marketplace, at the least you’ll find similar stuff and have a ballpark
Idk I kinda like the idea of a madman living in my graphics card. I want to be able to spin them up and have them tell me lies that sound plausible and hallucinate things.
But that’s already every Monday, I don’t understand
Mmm, bursting with flavor
Do you mind me asking, do you pay for the premium? If so do you find it more accurate?
Did you try setting it to Wumbo?
I need to find a search engine that shows me these again, every time I search anything now it’s like an excited crack head trying to get me to buy literally anything from them
Google has passed from great to nearly useless
Only thing I can think of to explain this shit is that it’s not about us, it’s gotta be about the value of the building you work in