It's visual pollution anywhere. I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone finds that style appealing to begin with.
Small government has only ever meant minimal regulation. It means nothing when it comes to civil rights or liberties.
Not always. If you're publishing your app as a docker image, you want the final image to exclude dev depending to be a small as possible.
The guy streamed a video to his Facebook. Want hard for journalists to track down.
(Most) teachers don't eat people.
Most would agree, but putting a worse person in power through apathy or inaction isn't the solution.
The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark.
Thought that was the cRooks.
I bought some half-inch silicone feet to separate mine from the shelf it sits on. The added airflow underneath seems to do just fine.
You know who else thinks public executions are a valid means of maintaining power and control over others? Religious extremists...oh wait.
It's that capitalist policy of murders and acquisitions.