Something I noticed recently
The same people who quickly bemoan "everyone wants a label now" seen to be the same people who say "all kids do this like that".
Something I noticed recently
The same people who quickly bemoan "everyone wants a label now" seen to be the same people who say "all kids do this like that".
That was my initial thought.
But also, he was resisting the coup. You can't have Marshall law with military leaders willing to resist you.
This could well be the point that we (globally) lose the "nobody would be insane enough to allow him to push the button" mindset
I guess I don't see the need to os switch on the steam deck. Unless playing and switching is what you want to do.
If what you want is gnome, there are easier ways than a whole new OS.
Steam Deck with the ability to run Fedora workstation (I love Gnome)
Don't be too focussed on needing to run Fedora for access to Gnome. The OS on the deck (Arch in this case) has the ability to run Gnome. It'll just be getting it working "right" that'll be a pain. I would have thought some people are already on it (even if just for a laugh). A cursory web search says it does work with some odd input issues.
That is the beauty of (and often the complexity of) the Linux ecosphere. You can change one thing, Fedora to Arch, and the other things "should" still work.
Who's to bet a load of shares get bought up, then suddenly this announcement is rescinded?
minus anything obvious
Honestly, not even that.
I've been on a hiring panel (for want of a better term) where we interviewed on the ground floor. We all worked up in the building. Post-interview we wouldn't say anything, we'd just write "yes" or "no" on a piece of paper. In the elevator going back up we'd turn our cards around. It gave a simple litmus test, if we all agreed then we can go to the pub. If we disagree then we find a meeting room and discuss.
To my point. One hire, technically brilliant. They were technically, absolutely the best candidate we'd had for that role. It was clear. We got into the elevator, and all turned around "no". The candidate was an absolute arse of a person. Clearly the best person for the job. Clearly the last person I wanted to spend 8 hours a day sitting next to. They knew they were fucking good, and they spoke like it.
I wouldn't be surprised if that person, knowing they were good, still goes home and rants about DEI hires or similar. But entirely misses the point on why they were not hired for that role.
If only DEI was that literal. Instead, it allowed companies to discriminate based on race, but to those with left-leaning beliefs, that’s okay as long as it only negatively affects white people, because they deserve it!
That's a lot of talking with very little to back it up.
I'd like some actual instances of companies that have specifically not hired a qualified candidate because they were white.
And "those with left-leaning beliefs". That's me, hand in the air and proud of it. "as it only negatively affects white people, because they deserve it" You're chatting shit mate. That's not what I or any of my "left leaning" friends believe.
Because they already believe that you are better because you are white. So two people with equal qualifications, the white is more qualified in their eyes.
The party that wants to ban abortion to "save the children" has just condemned, quite literally millions of, children around the world to slow and agonising deaths from entirely treatable illnesses.
When America gets sick, the whole world coughs.
Sadly we're all in the inside of this one
So... Let me check I get this right on the timeline.
America Europe Ukraine meet, agree to a 30 day ceasefire. Agree this tests if Russia is serious about ending the war. Putin gobbs off, surrender or die.
Categorical that Russia is not serious about ending the war.
Next steps boys