There are a lot of people who want the challenge and skill expression of a game decoupled from reaction time.
Firendly reminder that this was the real issue with buttery males/but her emails: that Hillary Clinton was using a private email server to circumvent these laws.
And every other US government employee that knowingly emailed to or from that server is also complicit.
Yet another legitimate problem tossed out with the bathwater because it got associated with the maga crowd. Very handy, that.
Wow, what a surprise. This is my surprised face. The character they've been assassinating for use as fap bait for ages gets an honest to god fetish comic.
I had thought that the general consensus online from the moment of the announcement was that this was pretty clearly fetish material, but I guess a site named "Batman News" has to maintain an absolutely absurd level of "benefit of the doubt" lest they drive away their readers.
Why can a shape tool not be pixel based? There's no intrinsic requirement for vectors.
Technically yes, but bypasses are easily and widely available for all non-cloud stuff. MS licenses are a joke for anyone already unconcerned about following the rules. MASgrave is your friend in that regard.
Also, Microsoft fucked over the IRS to degree that they still haven't recovered from when the IRS tried to get them to stop using tax loopholes more than a decade ago. They aren't going to let the US government bully them. You have to remember that MS has the US government IT infrastructure by the balls, for better or worse.
Looks good on you! Life's too short to be uncomfortable with whatever/whoever you want to be.
Buddy, they already skipped those ones. I can dream though. Those were jank but had charm.
Yep. I know a few people who got their workplace to pay for it. It was an incredibly easy way for them to pad their resume and ensure higher pay ranges at stupid workplaces that gated stuff like that.
Only came up when we were talking about schooling (I was still finishing mine).
Everyone that made a big deal of it though, complete morons.
No, because you can literally look this shit up, or talk to most hiring managers or business owners.
Surely if that was how it worked then someone would have posted the documents, or emails, or any sort of paper trail. Come on, we're all waiting.
Did you want me to repeat that?
Also yes
You actually see this kind of shit in tech bro spheres where they describe some "new groundbreaking invention" using terms like this when it's something we already have, but they're version is shittier.
Adam Something on Youtube has a saddening amount of videos on this sort of shit.
Seriously? Why is there a daycare in a federal building? Because federal employees have kids and need childcare.