Heads up, you have your account flagged as a bot account. You probably want to switch that off in your account settings.
There's some more games that benefit from the extra power, like Smash Bros.
And if you're interested in emulating older systems on it, you'll need the extra power.
This is the first I've heard of it, but github page clearly shows commits in the last two weeks, so it's not dead.
Not with that kind of attitude.
Yeah, the whole "sex robot" thing is kneecapped by the simple fact that very few people want a person sized sex toy to have to shove in a closet when most people can take care of most of their needs with stuff that takes up the space of a shoebox.
Plenty of edge cases of course, but those don't make the ubiquitous sex robot future that most of these sorts of headlines envision. Plus, VR headsets and multi axis mounted fleshlights still mean you don't need a full humanoid robot.
Good old "welfare cliff". It works this way with a lot of low income benefits.
Or speed. Some of the homebrew mods are ridiculous.
It... is? By over 1000.
Bernie rolled over like a dog for Hillary in 2016, so he does have some marks in giving in to the rich. He himself is also rich, owning multiple million dollar plus homes.
Not trying to be anti-Bernie, he's great and pushing for great things. I was feeling the Bern back in 2016. But we should always go into things eyes open and as informed as we can be.
Everyday's the fourth... of July
Thanks! You want some glue? I brought extra!
Oh my god, why does everything have to be x-punk? Game looks good, but what the fuck.