With Gov. Evers responsible for choosing her replacement (including just re-appointing Protasiewicz) even if she is impeached this is likely just delaying the inevitable. Also she won by such a large margin (55-44) that a clear power grab over a popular political figure in the state that will ultimately not amount to much will just hurt R’s even more in 2024, especially under non-gerrymandered maps.
Something about these is so calming, thanks Gal Gal.
Totally fine not trying to say you’re up to something nefarious haha. Just saying that a source I only see from one user that itself is pretty opaque about sourcing and intent makes me approach it cautiously.
This user always posts from that website. It seems primarily aimed at criticizing austerity measures but it’s super bizarre. No mention of who is actually putting this research together.
Like I agree that austerity measures suck and that if you want a family you should be able to afford one, but phrasing it as “stop population decline” is just… weird? Like the examples aren’t bad exactly but the entire presentation and motivations behind the website sets off some serious red flags.
Andrew S. Hannen, appointed by George W. Bush.
Meta note: in kbin both the NYT link and archive link look and work fine, but when I check on this post from a Lemmy alt using the Memmy app the archive link is completely broken and there is no image preview. Anyone know what’s going on here?
EDIT: looks fine from lemmy.world in a browser, must be a Memmy problem
It really is crazy that under the COVID relief bills we saw direct payments to citizens, the child tax credits, and no cost healthcare at point of service for ONE disease. And then poof it was gone.
Especially on that last one, I’m surprised I don’t see it wrapped into the Medicare for All movement more often as an example of a dramatic expansion of the government’s role in healthcare for all Americans, however temporary and limited.
To add to the other comment Biden would need to be impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate (where Dems currently have a majority). If it were somehow successful, Harris would become the new president until what would have been the end of Biden’s term.
Basically impossible right now, but helpful to know what the process looks like.
Some thoughts:
The Supreme Court ultimately were the ones who sustained the AL map being thrown out in the first place. While I’m sure politically the conservatives would prefer to see the lower court rule frozen, it would also be a clear and obvious attempt to undermine SCOTUS’ authority.
As for running out the clock and the Ohio comparison, the circuit court was clearly aware of this and has ruled a special master is to take redistricting out of the AL legislature’s hands. That’s the major issue with Ohio, there is no enforcement mechanism for an unconstitutional map, and for that reason voting rights groups are working to create one via constitutional amendment in 2024.
Plenty of room for a shitty outcome, but I think it’s more likely than not from a legal standpoint that AL gets its second Black district before the 2024 election.
The lengths to which this game goes to steal all my free time is absurd.
Yeah the tax structure already favors the wealthy in many ways, so the idea that more enforcement of existing laws on the higher end is somehow hurting the middle class is just laughable.
House impeaches -> Senate convicts -> Gov. Evers chooses replacement
House impeaches ~> Senate does nothing leaving Protasiewicz permanently suspended under Wisconsin law -> Protasiewicz resigns -> Gov. Evers chooses replacement
Either way I feel Republicans are just delaying the inevitable here. The only downside to option 2 is that instead of a ten year term, she would get a one year term. But Protasiewicz won by such a large margin already, that it might even boost dems up and down the ballot if she were forced to run again due to these anti-democratic hostile takeovers.