I’m choosing to imagine he’s running a very very very slightly larger circle each time, getting closer and closer to his neighbours as he goes - instead of it being the precision of the sat nav (and the larger circles only being noticed over a matter of weeks)
I’m right there with you
Hate hate hate subtitles. I 100% agree sound mixing is absolute shite now, and I definitely understand why some people need them (as someone who has audio processing issues myself I really do get it)
But I refuse to watch things with subtitles. They’re way too distracting. Either I’m reading them of I’m trying to ignore them but all my brain is saying is ‘don’t look at them don’t look at them don’t look at them’. Like if I wanted to read something, I’d have a book in front of me
Am I allowed to have a few? Because I can’t pick just one haha: Priory of the Orange Tree, Jane Eyre, Lord of the Rings series, A Song of Ice and Fire series (yes, even after the season that will not be named), Fingersmith, Rebecca, Redwall series. There’s more, but I feel like this is too many already 😅
I have Devil House in my to read pile! I’m going to put it at the top of the stack now
True story: I was once at a restaurant and they had a ‘Fun Guy Pizza’ and I asked for that without the mushrooms (it had an awesome combo of sauce and cheese and I don’t like the texture of mushrooms)
It took until it being brought over for me to realise I basically asked for a cheeseburger without cheese
I have never felt like such a fool
I still can’t believe how on point the variant puzzles are. Each one removes the exact way the last one was solved, even when I thought I was being so clever with how I solved it. It’s like ‘congrats on solving it, I knew you’d solve it that way, so here’s a more difficult way’ like three times in a row