
joined 2 years ago
[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hey Shadow, what do you think of this guy's cock?

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago

I should've clarified I did that on my email provider lol

Eh, works either way.

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 43 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I reported it as spam.

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 year ago

delete this

i tried to sleep and now i can't, thanks lmao

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

I have the same issue on one of the controllers.

There are some hall effect sensor kits on Aliexpress but that requires extensive work to set up and install.

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 year ago

I remember way back, around 2013, asking Gigabyte Mobile for the kernel source of one of their devices (Mika M3) via their business support.

Needless to say, they obliged! They uploaded it and then gave a link to an FTP server and credentials to use it.

So sometimes it's just worth asking.

I couldn't compile it fwiw, because it was missing key Mediatek components, but eh, what can you do...

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago


[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It kind of still is because of Webview2. Games such as Forza Motorsport (not that you'd want to play that crap) depend on it for Xbox login purposes even if you bought the game on Steam. The game depends on the system Edge libraries and doesn't ship its own.

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

Display and processor? If the answer is yes or maybe, then Doom can run on it.

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 42 points 1 year ago

First of all, thank you very much for your service.

Secondly, you're crazy lmao

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago

I am pretty sure TianoCore is also used by AMD systems as a reference as well.

Here's a similar situation that happened in 2019 at Lenovo's site


AMD systems are listed as well.

As for most board vendors nowadays, I think they barely do anything with the code itself and just create the setup utility and boot logos. It is highly likely that they're affected too.

[–] xan1242@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Aren't AMI, Insyde and Phoenix providers for 98% of PC (be it board or OEM) vendors though?

And AFAIR, TianoCore is basically used everywhere by everyone as a base except maybe Apple.


(I apologize in advance if I may break any rules with this post.)

I feel obliged to share my awful experience with my attempt to contribute to PCSX2 after trying to submit patches.

Link to my pull request (archived)

TLDR; I got disrespected for my hard work by refractionpcsx2 and I decided to pack up my work and leave from contributing to PCSX2. And this isn't the first time it had happened...


Basically, let's just start with what had happened in notes:

  • I make a PR for a no interlace patch for Gran Turismo 3 NTSC-J, translated from code from asasega on the PCSX2 forum

  • A friend of mine also submits his for the PAL version, ends up not working, so I push that out too

  • A couple of contributors point out that the joker command doesn't work on the PAL version, so I disable them

  • In the meantime, I started working on a completely new code, which properly increases the resolution. I described as such in the comments.

  • This took about a week to work on and get a (as much as possible) properly working patch on NTSC-U and J versions.

  • I clearly comment on each new state and update the situation within the PR itself and state that PAL version still needs work (and I was working on it at the time)

  • Someone suggests to get help at the forums, but I decline as I had already tested with a few other people myself privately. I also suggest I can now remove the "experimental" wording out of the description (which was in the description of the patch itself at the time)

  • refractionpcsx2 comes along and decides to collectively call the patches broken "regardless of your wording", when I clearly stated they're not, with the exception of the PAL version that is currently being worked on

  • I reiterate and say that PAL is being worked on and emphasize, quote "And you would've known it's not broken if you tried the patch for yourself" (as I was referring to the NTSC patches). I also point out that they'd be losing out on a good patch if it doesn't get merged.

  • refractionpcsx2 decides to twist my words and says, quote, "And saying "" you'd never had known it was broken if you'd not tried it* isn't exactly instilling me with confidence in what you're submitting."

  • Feeling very patronized, I asked what's the exact problem, pointed out that he can wait before merging

  • After a bit of contemplation, I felt demotivated and closed my PR

  • refractionpcsx2 decides to accuse me of "trying to sneak in "experimental" patches" and belittle further

  • I leave a final comment, pointing out my exact grievances with him and revoking the right of them using my codes and state that I won't contribute any longer

  • refractionpcsx2 tells me "good riddance" and decides to block me from the entire PCSX2 organization

That's what had happened. I felt extremely disrespected for my hard work and I decided to pack up and leave.

I had even asked multiple times for these patches to be tested, but apparently that was heresy according to them.

What I had done wrong

  • I could've opened a draft instead of a PR (or converted this one into a draft)

  • I could've worked on this aside and make a PR later

  • I could've simply removed the PAL patches and just merged NTSC ones

Sure, those are the things I could've and probably should've done.

But another mistake was expecting my notes to be properly read with comprehension by the maintainer(s)...

What they had done wrong

  • Instead of pointing out my mistakes, refractionpcsx2 decided to immediately disrespect me and my work. (This was very demotivating.)

  • Refusing to listen to my explanations or read anything I had written before

  • Refusing to explain what I did wrong and point me in the right direction in a timely matter

  • Being petty, blocking me and my access to the PCSX2 organization over this

If certain things and/or rules are expected from contributors - write them down in a code of conduct or guidelines. PCSX2 does NOT have that anywhere.

Instead of cooperating with their contributors to help them build new things, they fully expect everything served to them finished and fully working (to perfection).

I'm not complaining about my PAL code not being accepted. That isn't the problem at all. I was willing to work on it more and finish it.

What can the PCSX2 team do differently?

  • This kind of behavior needs to be put to an end and in check

  • Show some respect for your contributors and the time they spend on/for your project

  • If they make a mistake contributing, point it out to them and point them in the right direction

  • Write down guidelines and your contribution expectations somewhere so people can know exactly what to expect. If you absolutely refuse to do any testing whatsoever yourselves, then say so.

  • And last, but not least, COOPERATE with your contributors so that they can bring a new feature or a bugfix easier to your project. (Another example of what was done wrong.)

Closing words

Was it wrong of me to expect basic social skills and decency throughout this?

I honestly wanted to help and fix a few bugs in PCSX2, perhaps introduce more patches for games in the future.

But with behavior like this, they're alienating people who could genuinely help.

I don't feel proud, at all, that I had to pull out like this. It feels petty looking from the outside, I know. But trust me, after a week of work, then being spit in your face and disrespected, you'd feel the same way. It's very frustrating.

I don't have anything against the rest of the PCSX2 team and I hope we can resolve this matter.

Again I apologize once more for the darker/harsher tone here, but it is what it is.

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