i'm seeing the parallels between Elon and the Carver
who's a good FOSS developer? you are!
this could be gamed though - mention 99 users, switch accounts, rinse and repeat
interesting project, thx for sharing! though:
There is not currently a way to differentiate between web crawlers that are indexing sites for search purposes, vs crawlers that are training AI models. ANY SITE THIS SOFTWARE IS APPLIED TO WILL LIKELY DISAPPEAR FROM ALL SEARCH RESULTS.
not being able to master markdown might hint at why the commenter is struggling with C++
nocc was created at VK.com to speed up KPHP compilation. KPHP is a PHP compiler: it converts PHP sources to C++
it's a niche market, like not enough people wanting to buy a compact sub-5" flagship phone, so i'll never get one. let people enjoy it :)
it's similar with amazon/booking - if you use their share button, you get a neater shortened url but tracking is baked in. but you can still just copy the url from the browser search bar instead (which, acknowledged, might particularly not work well for IG)
weird flex considering you are posting this to the privacy community that is the alternative to [email protected] already imho
i first read "nutshell" and now i think they've missed an opportunity there 😅
GrapheneOS' camera app has a qr code reader baked in