A big part of the appeal with Plex is that you can run a server and friends can sign up for a FREE account and stream remotely. When you take this away, you're going to just kneecap the whole offering. This is such an arrogant move from Plex: they are thinking that when this change goes live they will get a flood of subscriptions. The more likely outcome is they will get a few subscriptions and a lot more angry and frustrated people that walk away.
PR if it was honest:
Why & When Is This Happening?
To better monetize your attention and data, we’ve decided to streamline all communication into a single, ad-optimized, engagement-maximized system. Maintaining multiple messaging systems was cutting into our profit margins, so we’re sunsetting the old one — which, let’s be honest, wasn’t generating nearly enough revenue anyway.
Reddit Chat is engineered for the future (read: future monetization opportunities), unlike PMs, which were quaint relics from a time when this site wasn’t a corporate data-mining operation.
We’re announcing this change now so we can say we “listened” when it inevitably breaks the way you use Reddit. We’ve talked to a hand-picked selection of mods and power users (mostly the ones who didn’t complain too much), but there’s still time for you to provide feedback we can pretend to consider. Drop your thoughts in the comments below, where they’ll be skimmed for marketing insights.
It's a scary amount of projects these days managed by a bunch of ZIP files:
- Program-2.4.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED2.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED-final.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED-final-REAL.zip
- Program-2.4-FIXED-FINAL-no-seriously.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-use-this.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-use-this-2.zip
- Program-2.4-working-maybe.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-BUGFIX-LAST-ONE.zip
- Program-2.4-FINAL-BUGFIX-LAST-ONE-v2.zip
Project 2025 is the most double talky I've ever seen Donald Trump. "Project 2025? Nope, never seen it, never heard of anything in it, but it's got some great ideas. I'm not going to follow it and I don't have anything to do with it but I hear it has some really good ideas, but I won't be adhering to them."
Reminds me of the "Unite The Right" rally where he wouldn't really condemn anyone: "Those folks are really nasty, but also there's a lot of good folks."
I think this is part of his "charm". He double talks, so if you are a fan you perk up on the positives and let your eyes glass over during the bad parts.
One of the problems with America is if you ask people on the street who's the happiest country in the world, a good chunk will answer America and not believe this result. I've always said the problem with being #1 (or thinking you are) is that you don't work very hard to improve.
One metric America leads the world in: self-delusion regarding its own performance in every area. How many people say America leads in math, science, health? Don't get me wrong, in a lot of categories the US is top 20, but very few where we actually are #1. Until this attitude is fixed, we're not going to see real improvement. RAH RAH RAH USA #1 is nice to whip up a crowd at a rally, but it's not good for positive ongoing change.
I keep a Jellyfin instance running as a hedge. Here's the thing with Plex (and actually a lot of companies set up similarly): those "lifetime" memberships are a trap. Think about it: Plex gets your money ONCE but they have ongoing expenses. Sooner or later, they'll have spent every single cent made by a lifetime membership unless they either get more folks OR squeeze everyone a bit more.
Once they started adding their own shows and making strange UI decisions, I could sense the end was coming. A move like this brings it up fast. Jellyfin is not nearly as good as Plex in a lot of ways, but it's really Open Source.
Anyway, a lot of rambling, but in short: when there is a "lifetime" subscription, watch out!
The problem is, both parties serve someone, and it's not the common man. The Republican party is a lot more effective at maintaining the illusion -- look at how many of their constituents consistently vote against their own interests and are proud to do so.
There's people working for Federal agencies RIGHT NOW that have either already been terminated or are on the rocks and they are STILL Trump supporters. They are willing to destroy their own lives just to "own the libs" and it will be interesting to see how far this trend will be taken.
I'm not. I'm talking about in companies where dev A wants dev B to do some work, but they don't use git or any kind of source control, so you email over a cursed ZIP file, then dev B does the work and sends it back with a different name. It's a highly cursed situation.