Anyone Can Learn Echolocation in Just 10 Weeks—And It Remodels Your Brain
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rule #1: be kind
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Writing “Writing just "this" adds nothing to the discussion” adds nothing to the discussion.
I would argue that explaining why people dont like the usage of "this" is more useful than people writing "this"
And I would argue that explaining why people dont like the usage of "this" is not more useful than people writing "this" because of the Streisand effect we’ve witnessed and that you and I have now created is even more detrimental to a thread because it creates a distraction from the original topic. We now have a subtopic competing for brain cycles that clearly adds no value and is likely making us all stupider.
I award us no points, and may God have mercy on our souls.
But wouldnt that reply to the "this" comment and this subtopic discourage people from writing "this", making a subtopic like this rarer, but also reducing the total number of new useless comments?
I mean
Honestly it only made me more likely, and I would have replied with it if someone else hadn't already done so
Amen, brother!
Hella dis sir
That is correct.
Writing ‘Writing “Writing just "this" adds nothing to the discussion” adds nothing to the discussion.’ adds nothing to the discussion.