Interesting for sure, but it looks like an ad-ridden clone of GBA4iOS, so I may just stick with sideloaded Ignited for now. In my opinion though, this is a big step, as others are probably soon to follow with possibly better ones.
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I’m not seeing ads … I do have a network ad blocked though so.
The app has an ad bar at the bottom.
Not if your network is blocking ads it seems … doesn’t show in gameplay either.
I’ll have to try that, here is mine
Why does it need my location?
I was about to install the app until I saw that. I’ll just stick to my usual emulation machines for now.
You know you can block that, right? They just collecting data for advertising.
Because you can charge more for your shady ads if you also hand over user location data
So Nintendo can find you later.
You know that eye from lord of the rings?
Yeah, not sure how it relates to this app wanting my location
The App Store page says it but the app hasn’t asked me for it when I opened the app.
According to one of the the GBA4iOS devs, this is not official
Please proceed with caution if you choose to use this
Well, why has the dev not submitted the official version? That would have fixed that problem.
Would it? This would’ve been released with a different name. App Store, Play Store, or no store, people love to take OSS projects, wrap them in ads, and release them to make a buck.
Sure, but then the official one would also be there and hopefully have a better rating and more popularity
Good point.
That said, the reasons the developer hasn’t released this for the App Store is because he’s a small independent developer and has been trying to ship another project.
He wants to release it in his own app marketplace
To be honest, I support his own app marketplace completely. But I still don’t understand why he doesn’t want to have it on the Apple AppStore as well.
Just tried it, with a GBA Castlevania game (of course) and it handles beautifully. If this the future of AppStore allowed emulation, I’m a fan.
You're only over a decade late to mobile phone emu party, iOS users. Welcome!
Emulators for iOS have existed for years though, just not in the App Store.
True, just a pain in the ass compared to android.
Breh we been side loading the coolaid for years.
My first smart phone over ten years ago had a keyboard. I beat the NES Legend of Zelda on that beast. So much easier with actual buttons haha.
ScummVM has an iOS app
I should’ve clarified, since the Apple announced this week that they would approve emulators this is the first one to be approved.
ScummVM is not an emulator. It’s a reimplementation of game engines, but nothing is being emulated. It appeared in the App Store before this rule change.
Sketchy as heck but it works.
@Ankkuli @QuarterSwede sketchier than you might think.
Time for PPSSPP!
I'm totally ignorant to the love that PSP got. What games are worth throwing on my steam deck?
I’ve never played it but I hear the god of war version psp got was good.
My default go to: Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.