
joined 2 years ago
[–] 188 points 3 months ago (28 children)

If this happens to two or three more CEOs over the next couple of months, they'll change their position on gun control, not change their behaviors that made somebody do this. And "they're coming for our guns" morons would find a way to not only excuse it, but fully support it, at least at first.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Yeah, you're probably right. I never thought "good" was on the table for him, but if he had used his wealth to get enough good things done for everybody, I could've overlooked a few things and thought of him as "okay".

[–] 22 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Fuck Musk, but the model 3 launched at like $35k and was eligible for a sizeable rebate. If you were already looking to buy a similar sized new car in 2019, it was relatively competitive. I don't remember what the rebate amount was, but I'm sure it took at least $5k off.

The issue is that instead of continuing that trend of basically replacing the Honda Civic, he built a fugly, terrible, overpriced truck whose existence could only ever be excused by its concept being a make-a-wish request from a now-dead six year old. Alas, there are no dead six year olds to blame for that monstrosity. We should've had a reliable and affordable EV accessible to nearly every working family in the country. We should've had a whole damn fleet of EV freight trucks, possibly with some autonomous driving, at least across long interstate roads where they would just need to keep pace, stay in lane, and not crash. Instead we got a newer, dumber, more dangerous Hummer.

Again, fuck Musk. He could've been okay, but he chose to be awful instead.

[–] 98 points 3 months ago (12 children)

This is the most terrifying part. They say that he's "liberated" now, but to me that just means he has nothing to lose. Assuming he lives past January 2029, he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by throwing all resources into staying in power. He has no reason to give a fuck about whether anything he does or says is "popular" once he's sworn in. There will be zero consequences for anything until he leaves office, if he leaves office.

The dumb motherfucker proved that somebody with the mentality of a six year old can win the US presidency and then do whatever the fuck he wants, and he'll never face a single, real, goddamn consequence. I am ashamed of my country, and it's horribly depressing how many people died serving our military just to have this flag-hugging dipshit get to be the commander in chief, and he'll sell out to the highest bidders and get several more killed.

We're fucked, and only a small fraction of his worshipers are even beginning to see that. And when the shit hits their fan specifically, most of them will find a way to blame somebody else, probably somebody who is brown and/or has a vagina. Most of these incurious assholes will line up for whatever strong daddy negs them hard enough, and right now that's trump, and there will be a new strong daddy successor to tell them what to do and who to love and how to dress. Strong daddy hurts you and controls you, but at least you don't have to make decisions for yourself when you have strong daddy there to tell you what to think.

Fucking pathetic.

[–] 30 points 4 months ago

He's a good hombre.

[–] 11 points 4 months ago (5 children)

I loved this band until I learned that they were overtly Nazis. This song is about experiencing euphoria when seeing the swastika. All That She Wants is about the mythical welfare queens. I used to like their music but now that I know the meaning, it nauseates me.

[–] 66 points 4 months ago

Fucking cowards. He's not legally immune from prosecution, it's just DOJ policy to not prosecute a sitting president. And the recent presidential immunity opinion from the SCOTUS just said that a president is immune from being prosecuted for official presidential acts, which this fucking wasn't. And he's not yet a sitting president. Also, the prosecution is done. Just sentence him and then the case will be done with, and this can be done well before he's sworn in. If he feels like appealing it after he's sworn in, then he's consenting to court activity while he's in office.

I'm so sick of everybody bending over backwards to give him a pass.

[–] 7 points 4 months ago

Interesting. Thanks!

Per NOAA, "In the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific, the term hurricane is used." Source. I thought that the appropriate term for a hurricane-like storm anywhere in the Pacific was "typhoon," but it appears that that is reserved for the Western Pacific. So continuing your trend of learning a thing about this and helping others learn it today too!

[–] 168 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Interesting. When the topic is punishment, there are plenty of resources. When the topic is helping people, it's "who's footing the bill for that?!" I never saw a headline about a 1400 acre ranch being offered up to house people in poverty, but it gets offered up to imprison people with the "wrong" names and skin color. And they have the audacity to parade out "America first!" as a slogan to prioritize helping Americans before worrying about solving problems around the world.

Punishing people for allegedly coming here illegally will do nothing to help me. Them allegedly having come here illegally never hurt me. Help people who have been unhoused or addicted to harmful substances or traumatized by abuse to get to a place where that can be productive in our society. That would obviously help them, and then they would be able to help their communities. It's complicated and it's difficult, but it's work worth doing. I'm tired of lazy politicians and leaders looking for quick and easy solutions to fabricated problems so they can maximize the number of boxes that get checked. And that's a generous read on it. The reality is that they're greedy whores accepting money and power in exchange for punishing certain people while rewarding certain companies.

Republican politicians don't give a flying fuck about you and yours.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

I really do. I think it will be more Lion King remake than Cats adaptation. But I'm ready to admit that I was wrong if people don't line up in droves for it. I think the first will do much better than the second, because a ton of people will say "the ending sucked. It just stopped without any resolution. And there wasn't even half the songs from Wizard of Oz."

[–] 28 points 4 months ago (4 children)

It really grinds my gears that they took a movie-length two act play and padded it out to chop it up into two movies. And they'll be rewarded for it. Together, they'll gross over $1.5 billion, maybe over 2.


I booted up my Great Clips app and found that I was signed out for some reason. I went to sign in and couldn't remember my sign in info. Did I use my Yahoo email address? Was my account through Google? I checked the site via Chrome to see if login info auto populated. No such luck. I checked my raw text note with a bunch of login users and passwords for not sensitive stuff to see if I put it in there. Nope. I checked to see if I could just check in for my haircut without logging in. I could have, but I'd have to give them my phone number and they'd text me spam, plus I'd have to tell them in person what I wanted instead of them telling me what I got last time and asking if that's what I wanted again today. (Of course. I have gotten the same haircut for ten years.)

So I put in my Yahoo email and hit "forgot password" and reset it. I got logged in and it had my correct info, and I put my login info into that note I keep. I checked in online and sipped on some coffee and surfed Lemmy while waiting.

I went in, had a great haircut, and learned about some kind of membership card or something. Idk I wasn't really listening because I'm moving to a new town tomorrow and idk if I'll have a Great Clips near me there. I saw a Sport Clips near the new house, but my general impression is that it's like the Hooters of haircuts and I don't really want to pay more for a haircut just to have a little bit of flirting thrown my way. Am I way off or is that about right? Because even my basic no-frills haircut at Great Clips is $21 before tip these days, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have to find a new place.

Haircut is 2 on the back and sides, medium cut on top. I use a kind of messy look paste to style minimally coming out of the shower. Dull, but tidy.


My wife and I have been using Cozi for years to manage our work schedules, plan dates, block off personal time, and manage grocery lists and to-do lists. There has been some pretty egregious enshittification through locking more and more essential features behind a paywall and now it's altering times for some reason and straight up losing list items and calendar entries. I'm done. Its only function was to maintain calendar items and lists so I wouldn't need to manually remember everything; it's worthless if I can't trust it to remember for me.

So now we're looking for a replacement tool to manage our family. FOSS preferred, but not required. I'm even open to using two separate apps for it, one for calendar and another for lists. We just need them to live online so we can independently add to it while the other person is asleep or at work.

I'm hoping that somebody else has already done the legwork to find the best option?


There's only a week or so left! If anybody wants to party up to try to climb just a little further, DM me. I think I'm Diamond 1 in 2s and plat 2 or 3 in 3s, but with a teammate who meshes with me I can do much better.

Everybody well above or well below my rank, put your rank down so others can try to find a buddy or two as well.

With player trading coming to an end, I guess this could also be a last call for trades.


It's the last weekend of the season. Anybody looking to go for broke in ranked to see what's possible with fewer inhibitions?

I'm on PS5 in NoVA and bouncing around low Diamond. If you rotate properly, I'll forgive every whiff.


Whether it's a club name, club tag, or tournament name, what are some interesting names you've used or seen?

My friends and I recently played a tournament and somehow won with the name Socialist Jiu Jitsu. Our club name is Aunt Tifa. We used the club tag [BLM] for a while, but the amount of racism in the text chat was exhausting, so now it's just [ANTI]. It was pretty entertaining to get people tilted and then silently dunk on them, but the toxicity wasn't fun most of the time.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/


I played The Forgotten City for free via PS+ Extra and it's one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences! I urge anybody who hasn't played it yet but is remotely interested to not look up a goddamn thing about this game beyond this blurb of mine (because spoilers are easy to stumble upon) and play it ASAP!

What is it? It started as a Skyrim mod developed by a lawyer who wanted to make something that's less of a game per se and more of an interactive story that delves into philosophical quandaries like the nature of morality. It's a first person game where you go to an island and wind up in an ancient city of sorts. There's a kind of groundhog day element to it and you have to figure out how to stop that from happening. It's a bit of a mystery, but nearly all of the gameplay is running around and talking to various characters, all of whom have unique personalities. It's like a really robust Fallout New Vegas mission, but without all the combat. You'll probably get through it in 20-40 hours.

Okay, now that that's outta the way, who wants to rant or gush about this little game?

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