What the – and I can't stress this enough – fuck is wrong with conservatives?
Old People Facebook
The sublemmy for "Old People Facebook" is a curated space showcasing the charming, confusing, and often hilarious social media endeavors of the older generation. From accidental memes and cryptic status updates to endearing attempts at using modern technology, this sublemmy celebrates the unique ways seniors engage with the digital world.
They like gay softcore?
Nothing wrong with that though. Well, except according to conservatives themselves anyhow
I can't decide if I like "top-surgery Trump" with the bikini top or "2-headed ogre Trump" with the dunlap.
Lead paint.
...everything? It's probably a shorter list as to what's not wrong with them.
It’s like a “Where’s Waldo”. The longer you look at it the more weird shit you see.
Nono, it definitely gets worse, behold the two conjoined twins into a single fat entity...
The person next to them has a centered nipple too
The Cyclops' lesser known cousin, Nipclops
Even setting aside the whole conjoined twin thing, Fatty Two Heads is sporting some interesting fashion choices. I love his weird little pseudo pope hat... thing... and also really like how he got a set of custom shades for his deformed face to cover two eyes at different heights.
Trans Trump was definitely not something I expected reich-wingers to be hot for, but I guess it figures.
The abs on those....knees? And the thumb on the limb coming out of those shorts sure is something.
I'm gonna have some weird nightmares
Isaiah 44:9-20
All who fashion idols are nothing, and the things they delight in do not profit. Their witnesses neither see nor know, that they may be put to shame.
(I'm not even religious, LOL.)
Goddamn gram what are you smoking?
it's because trump supporters are open-minded and accepting of all sorts of different varieties of older white folks
This is just so fucking weird. I don't get it. Democrats, even the most ardent Obama supporters, never did shit like this, from what I can remember.
If it walks like a cult, and quacks like a cult.
What's cracking me up most is it's AI art. Dude on the left has 2 heads ffs. Then the chick in a bikini is also a dude for some reason. At least they being accepting of trans folks I guess
I don't believe in the antichrist, but if I did I would think it's Trump. Dude's a literal golden calf, the embodiment of the seven deadly sins, and a whole bunch of Christians will follow him into hell.
He's certainly AN Antichrist. Specially because "anti-" can also mean "in place of". He is both the opposite of what Christ represents and is replacing Him.
Gotta love how Christianity, a religion where one of the teachings is loving thy neighbor, is used as a way for people to justify hating liberals or anyone who isn't part of the predominantly conservative white Christian hivemind. Stuff like these kinds of posts are definitely one of the top 3 reasons why I keep me away from organized religion.
Christianity also has some things to say about idolatry.
This is why people on the left need to vote. The GOP falls in line, and they chip away every decade just because they show up.
You want things to go left? Vote. Every. Single. Time. For. Dems.
(Also known as: They vote. Are you?)
The two headed guy with a… dunce cap? on is a special touch.
Reminds me more of a kkk hood
Theyre the same hat
Just imagine conceptualizing the prompt for this.
Trump surrounded by sweaty males that look like him because he only loves himself in a prelude to a somewhat homoerotic gangbang.
And they say Not a Cult....
You really gotta have serious mental issues to come up with that, let alone validate it
This gives me idea of post apocalyptic America where trump forced scientists to put his dna into a virus, release it and the country is filled with these horrific mutants. There are like weird fringe trump worship cults warring with each other as isolated pocket nations in the wasteland.
We live in the most cursed timeline.
It might be time to euthanize grandma.
There's something viscerally upsetting about this
You know, the bible said a little something about idolatry, but I guess remembering that is a little too inconvenient for these people.
Y'all need to be more comfortable calling your "family" out