Having your country's flag on your property
Oh wild guess... USA?
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Having your country's flag on your property
Oh wild guess... USA?
I've seen this more in Norway than in the US, people love their flags here
Isn’t putting up flags an American thing too? Don’t really see this kind of nationalism in other coutnries.
I've seen it in just about every country I have visited physically and in Geoguessr. Maybe not quite as prevalent as the US but I wouldn't actually say the difference is as big as people probably think.
What's funny is that beyond knowing you're in America, the flag doesn't help a lot with location guessing. USA is one of the tougher countries to pinpoint within in GeoGuesser. It's probably harder to distinguish Vermont from Ohio from Oregon (depending on the photo) than it is to tell Albania from Austria even with no flags or signs.
Complete opposite of my experience. While you do see flags in other countries they are usually only at governme t buildings, it's rare to see people flying flags themselves. Whereas in America they are everywhere and also buildins will often have multiple. Like I went to a mall and the outside had at least a dozen flags on sides.
they are usually only at governme t buildings
Unless there's a football match on, then they're literally fucking everywhere
And there's always a football match on...
Turkey also has lots of flags everywhere.
It probably only happens in some types of countries... Turkey, Russia, Hungary... USA...
I went to a hardware store in the states during a trip. Turns out they had a patriotic corner there, full of flags and banners. I've never seen anything like that before in any country. In a lot of countries you have to search for even a tiny souvenir flag.
I live in Taiwan and plenty of people put flags up.
In Europe, mostly during soccer championships because you get them with a crate of beer during that time.
In Finland we have plenty of national "flag days" every year. I don't see people putting up flags on their porch or anything but many has flag poles on their yard and flying a Finnish flag has no racist implications to it or anything like that. It's a traditional thing to do and especially the elderly are pretty strict about it.
That was what the US used to be, but now flying a flag has too many negative connotations. Don’t let your nationalist nut-jobs ruin it for you too
If it doesn't have a blue stripe, you can absolutely still fly the flag at your house. It's when you have it on your shirt and car that it gets weird.
I make a lot of assumptions about people flying regular US flags in their yard, and I can't really say any of them are positive. Could be a regional thing? I'm in a pretty heavily left-leaning area and the people that are that outwardly patriotic are typically far right. Not universally, but enough for the assumptions.
I am proud of my country and most of the ideals we stand for: that’s why I do what I can to help it live up to those ideals, to be even better. It is our patriotic duty to constructively criticize, to correct its mistakes, to rebel against the status quo, to invest in all citizens and a better tomorrow.
For example, look at all those immigrants fleeing into our country looking for a better life: it’s our duty to make this country work like the ideal they are coming for.
I think I'm probably less proud of the US than you, but I generally agree with your sentiment. Although I don't think that sentiment necessitates a nationalistic action like flying a flag in a yard or on a car. Especially when that type of nationalism tends to be associated with a mindset that is anti-immigration.
Common in Canada.
Where do you get the notion that it’s an American thing from?
Where is this common? I have family in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and BC, and we rarely see flags on people's lawns/whatever. I'm in Vancouver and there is ONE flag within a 20 minute walk in any direction. In fact, my kids refer to it as 'the flag house' it's so out of place.
Hell our Prime Minister had to ask us to be more patriotic for the olympics in 2010.
Canada. Not as many as in the US but the Canadian flag is flown in many households.
Depends on which part of the country. In Spain some places are full of Spanish flags, others have none, and others have regional flags (Catalonia, basque country).
My guess is they're more common in rural areas, independent of the country.
In austria, the only flags that i have seen are pride flags. And even that is very rare.
Ah yes, because no where but America and Europe exist.
Is that guy okay?
Nope. Storing all of Google street view in one human's brain takes a toll on you.
But seriously, if you haven't seen him before, the guy is nuts. He has to come up with challenges to make geoguesser difficult for himself now:
Grayjay isn't opening this up for me. What's the channel name of this guy?
If you just search for Rainbolt, you'll find his channel. I think he must have more than one, because this one was from "Rainbolt Two"
Holy shit, it's postal dude without his glasses.
Sign my damn petition
I’d put mine out in the garden. Mate. Cheers.
Bonzer craic, y'all guv'ner.
He’s the Usain Phelps Real Madrid of Geoguessing
I’ve only seen him in one video and he picked Hawaii when it was Idaho
Is it one of the videos where the picture only shows for a second?
No, this was an intentionally bait round where the soil looked super volcanic. Basically if you don't know the random park in Idaho, Hawaii is the most likely place
United States