I think this thread is meant to flatter programmers and make linguists and sociologists extremely angry.
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As someone with a background in linguistics, my jimmies are indeed rustled.
IDK, comparing Javascript to English while Java to German seems to either overblow the value of javascript or diminish the value of English.
I suspect there’s more people who speak Python fluently than Esperanto. So that comparison sits very wrong with me. The rest was funny :)
Esperanto always struck me as more perl-like with each part of speech having its own suffix like perl has $ for scalars, @ for arrays, and % for hashes. Though perl is probably more like a bunch of pidgins...
Yeah, I was about to say.
Perl 5 is like Esperanto: borrowed neat features from many languages, somehow kinda vaguely making a bit of sense. Enjoyed some popularity back in the day but is kind of niche nowadays.
PHP is like Volapük: same deal, but without the linguistic competence and failing miserably at being consistent.
Raku (Perl 6) is like Esperanto reformation efforts: Noble and interesting scholarly pursuits, with dozens of fans around the multiverse.
Is this post sane-washing Russia? What’s left about Russia under Putin? Overall funny, though
It's a post by the lemmy dev, so yeah that's a given
the root of all modern languages
the whole universe used to speak it
P.S: the closest thing to that is Egyptian, but not the language, the Alphabet (the Symbols, not a literal alphabet). Tons of alphabets are descended from Egyptian, including, but not limited to: Greek (and by Proxy Latin, Cyrillic, Georgian, Armenian, Armenian and Armenian (I just noticed this, I'm leaving it in because it's funny)), Arabic (and by proxy- I won't list all that), Hebrew, and Aramaic (and by proxy all Indian languages but one, as well as Tibetan, Phags-pa mongol (and by proxy exactly 5 letters of Hangul), Thai, Lao, Sundanese, and Javanese). There's a lot of dead languages that used scripts derived from Egyptian too but I didn't mention them because I'd be here all day listing stuff like Sogdian or Norse Runes.
Why is everyone down on Rust? Seriously. I don't know it but I've considered learning it and it appeals to me and people literally scoff when I mention it. Saw it referred to as a meme language on Lemmy, which is built in Rust. What am I missing?
Butthurt C devs don't want it replacing their language.
as guy who likes c: think rust is a good and cool idea
I think rust has good ideas and may even become the default systems language in the mid-term. I find it irritating that there is a very vocal subset of rust proponents that tend to insist that every project in every language needs to be rewritten in rust immediately. I suspect that is also why other people are down on rust.
I think ppl just got pissed with the fanboys unironically asking to RIIR everything. The language itself is comfy AF, tho
Imo it's bc it's the new kid on the block. Yes it's 10 years old but barely becoming common use in production and government mandates are only speeding that up. In actuality it's a great language and has been hyped for a few years by people who actually use it. Python went through the same thing in the 2010s where devs really tried clowning on it, now it's used everywhere.
For me "The Critical Flaw" of rust is its compiler. And requirent of 12 GB of disk space to compile just the frontend of compiler. Even GCC will all frontends(C, C++, Ada, Fortran, Modula-2, JIT) requires less space.
But joke is probably about "rewrite in rust" culture.
PHP is Russian. Used to be huge, caused lots of problems, now slowly dwindling away. Its supporters keep saying how it's still better than the competition.
In Soviet Russia memory manages you!
I can confidently tell you that no one who actually knows Latin would ever say French is "Latin with fancy rules."
..which ironically makes for a perfect parallel with "C/C++"
It's a cool meme but I have many many disagreements.
Rust is esperanto because its only actually used by a small group of nerds,
python is russian because everything made in it is unreliable.
It fits, English and JavaScript are both three languages in a trench coat.
As a python developer, I'll accept the shower joke in stride. But who are these Esperanto speakers you're shitting on?
I guess assembler is sumerien then, only still written and understood? And cobol or fortran? Linear a and b?
FORTRAN: Proto-Indo-European COBOL: Proto-Sino-Tibetic
Assembly: neuron signals
But people like and appreciate German.
Yeah, I enjoyed learning German... Java on the other hand....
Perl is... forgotten entirely, despite its efforts in getting us from there to here.
Yup, checks out.
PHP also, but good riddance:-D.
Shell scripting is the ink that makes up these words - without them, you would never have seen this image.
I think Perl is closer to Esperanto - the vast majority of people will never want to learn it and the people that know it won't stfu about how everyone should use it! And they could all use a shower!
(I kid... Mostly)
Java, verbose? laughs in Pascal
Python being Esperanto? Yeah, no, because Python is actually being used
I want to disagree on German. It isn't verbose. We've got several words where there isn't an equivalent in pretty much any other languages. Including Schadenfreude und Torschlusspanik (the feeling that you are getting older l, can't find a partner and will die alone).
The same EU legal text has in German 22.118 words Vs English 24.698.
The making me cry part, that's fair. Overcomplicated, could be worse.
The same EU legal text has in German 22.118 words Vs English 24.698.
That needs a character count really. Words isn't a particularly relevant measure when the language uses compound words
I think word count is not the best metric precisely because of what you mention. "Krankenversicherungskarte" is one word vs the three word "health insurance card", but they convey the same information in roughly the same amount of characters.
Overall I don't find German particularly verbose, only sometimes a small phrase is condensed into a single word.
Rust is more like Esperanto isn’t it? It’s Latin, but regularized and with the rough edges sanded off.
Python is more like Spanish. A billion speakers in the world, and really easy to pick up a few phrases, but a small European minority still think they run it.
Out of curuosity, what is the programming equivalent of Japanese?
I was tempted to say Ruby, but based on my friends that are learning (or tried to learn Japanese), it seems like Ruby is trying to be the opposite. So not sure.
Ruby would maybe fit with toki pona : terse, simple, predictable.
Rust is more like Lojban. Its adherents are just as excited to tell you about it and it too was created to fix all those pesky problems from people using their language imprecisely.
Can anyone actually tell what exactly complicated in Java? Verbose, maybe it was at some point but I find it very straightforward and easy.
Hearing about Esperanto the first time. Hate itwhen someone copies my idea and does it in 1887
Гарантийный без ошибки памятей!
I unironically think it would be hilarious to write a borrow-checked version of Адрес. (The Soviet version of C - or rather C is a version of it, given that Адрес was first compiled in '55)
Argh, politics in IT.
Ackshully, Clojure is Esperanto, and I will not be taking questions at this time.
This is highly inaccurate:
D: Esperanto. Highly derivative of C (Latin), designed by people previously writing compilers. It's not being taken seriously as such.
Russian is nowadays being speaken by right-wing authoritarians instead, and any programmer that is auth-right is either coding in C/C++, or a Javascript/Python dev pretending to be a C/C++ dev to "gatekeep" nulangs (sic).