I am frighteningly okay with this?
Cartography Anarchy
A community for Cartographers with nothing left to lose.
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Pyroclastic Ash and Debris make a lot of good points, although I'm not sure about their position on climate change.
I think I read something once that the ash cloid would create a nuclear winter that lasted at least two years. Sticking to those 1.5C goals!
Personally, I’ve been on team Hypercane ever since the Portland heat dome made it theoretically possible.
Jesus H christ. 800kmh winds that last for weeks. Nothing to do but just die I guess.
A dust cloud could potentially bring temperatures down for quite a while. Which would be a new problem.
Well, and all the explody, burny part of volcanos, that on top.
It would be refreshing to have new problems to solve.
That's the spirit!
Well, I'm not really sure Pyroclastic Ash and Debris would hit the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the election, since most of the states outside of its campaign range would likely not vote for it. This would push the vote for president to the House, where Pyroclastic Ash and Debris has no members of their party to vote for them, resulting in a Trump victory, with the Senate picking the VP, where I'd assume they'd agree on Pyroclastic Ash and Debris' running mate.
As the Senate is basically tied and VP Harris has to cast the deciding vote, this means that ultimately Harris would choose the next VP?
Different problems superceding entrenched ones can feel like relief.
Sadly it's unlikely to go off anytime soon; people who study this sort of thing say the magma reservoir is not filling.
This sends the election back to the house, resulting in a Trump win. You've probably heard of the "secret plan"? Not so secret now.
Counting the states that are left, I see 16 blue and 8 red. Election going to the House in this scenario would be a Harris win.
Even Yellowstone endorses Kamala.
Watching for all caps meltdown from Trump over ELECTION INTERFERENCE
You have bested me twice this morning. I am here by retiring for a time to focus on myself.
Without you, I would not have had the opportunities. We're in this together. It takes a village.
Turns out the deep state was a magma chamber
i don't remember the us signing the magma carta
This eruption would eliminate three quarters of the map, eliminating a majority of the republican electors' counties and kill all 40 voters responsible for that majority.
Sad to say, there's no Yellowstone supervolcano
Not with that attitude.
There is, but its eruption will be kinda boring.
...volcano eats the lower 48, Alaska and Hawaii inherit the Pacific.
Ash/Debris 2024
One can only hope.
Personally I think Wyoming is being overly represented in this election, we need to rethink the gerrymandering laws.
We couldn't be so lucky.
It's still about 50-50