OP, let's not be funny, we know exactly how you feel about it
You're a mentally well adjusted human
Unlike the people who thought this is normal behaviour
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
OP, let's not be funny, we know exactly how you feel about it
You're a mentally well adjusted human
Unlike the people who thought this is normal behaviour
It makes me slightly uneasy and sad that this is done for big events, but I also understand why.
I think the knowledge just saps some of the frivolity from what is otherwise a fun, low-stakes outing.
I kinda hate to be this guy, but:
Know this does not exist in any other country
It is unnecessary in any other country
America has entirely constructed its own hell by simply not applying the same appropriate gun control you see in every other developed nation in the world
Edit: and I know you probably agree with me, but goddamn you've just collectively proven as a nation that over half your countrymen will bazooka their feet and the feet of everyone unfortunate enough to be near them, before even contemplating the idea of supporting someone who promises to make their lives better!
It's a response to an entirely self-inflicted problem.
That's not true,
As example, 2 years ago I was in Strasbourg for the winter markets and saw 2 things:
I saw similar on foot squads in Germany too.
An hour?? That's crazy-- seems like their fault the room wasn't secure, but they had to harass you for that long before letting you go?
Checked my passport, called my hotel, checked my flights. agree, honest mistake it should have taken a few minutes. Also I doubt it was a full hour but man it felt like a lifetime.
Edit I don't think I was actually detained but they spooked me into agreeing to hang around while they verified things
This is blatantly false. I don't like it, but it most certainly happens at other countries and not just a US phenomenon. I'll paste some proof: https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/sports/brazil-police-sniper-nearly-shot-officer-during-world-cup-opening-1.1889183? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9692301/Greenpeace-apologise-Euro-2020-stunt-horror-left-two-injured.html https://sports.ndtv.com/euro-2020/snipers-were-ready-to-shoot-parachutist-at-euro-2020-match-minister-2465542/amp/1 https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/feb/01/france-biggest-security-operation-six-nations-stade-italy
Also, this isn't even how they do it. It was an ad for the tripod basically, and it wasn't loaded. They use binoculars and not the rifle for scanning. https://deadspin.com/those-super-bowl-sniper-photos-are-real-5883525/
Hate to be that guy but also hate misinformation so had to chime in.
That is more along the lines of high government official protection at special events they attend in other countries though, not a standard practice at normal sports games.
You said that hate misinformation, but in the first link it was a guy approaching the president, not a random game, also I always laugh when someone compare USA to Brasil and get mad when I answer that USA is a third world country
I am guessing this is only specific to the USA.
I saw so many snipers when I visited the UK... but that was like the year after 9/11 so it might have just been the style at the time.
You guessed wrong. There are lots of behind the scenes security measures we don't see.
Everyone loves the official snipers, but when I tell them I'm a freelance sniper, they get all upset.
As an Eagles fan, I'd appreciate if they don't use our name in their sniper nest. If they could call it something more Cowboys appropriate like a trash nest, or little bitch nest, that would be great.
Hell ya dude. That sports group scores points WAY better than the second organization you mentioned. Whenever they compete, I loudly encourage those ones to accrue points just as you surely do. Teams, am I right?
Go sports!
I was at a Virginia Tech football game this season. They let everyone in, all while the metal detectors are flashing non-stop. A school that had a mass shooting not all that long ago where over 30 people died doesn't give a shit what you bring into that stadium. But hey, they've got snipers above the press box.
Is this real?
It seems so. Here’s an article with some more information and a higher resolution image (though the image still looks like CGI to me).
Every major gathering has stuff like this behind the scenes. Not just in America.
It'd probably usually only be for high profile diplomatic/political events, or when a threat is specifically called in, outside of America, not just your average sports team needs a sniper on thier payroll 😅
Well the police would generally do it. That's how it generally is in the US too
Not abnormal? Just because a thing exists somewhere it doesn't immediately make it normal.
"Hey everyone, I saw this video online and apparently it's normal to shit in your own mouth now".
Shitting in your own mouth is a million times more normal and respectable than occupying a human hunting lodge at a sports event.
That's Lucas Oil Stadium where the Indianapolis Colts play. That specific picture is from Super Bowl XLVI which took place in 2012. There was another sniper and spotter in the opposite corner.
But as others have said, most major events, including every regular NFL game have snipers in attendance.
They also have cops dressed up at fans to see if they can get through security checkpoints. They'll have the wrong ticket, play dumb, or try to sweet talk guards to get to places they shouldn't. An IRL pen test.
An IRL pen test.
It's referred to as "physical pen testing"
“physical pen testing”
oh I've seen that on the ButtSharpies subreddit
Can they sell the name to a brand for advertisement?
"The stadium sniper is presented to you by Bud Light!"
Something about a sniper in Dallas sounds familiar...
He is perched at the top of a grassy bowl.
Just one though?
This is how you can tell the national character is terminally diseased. If you really think you need this then you should realized you don't need the sports activity nor the stadium. Just go live in a buried sewer concrete pipe because this is where you belong.
Too bad it doesn't help them play any better.
That's what the funny red light on my forehead was for!
I really hope that guy isn't allowed to bet on games.
When the culture you create turns you coward this is how you react instead of fixing the causes. Fucking ignorant cowards…
Soo, does this have 360 degrees view or will only the guest team's fans be shot?
The seats without coverage are somewhat cheaper, for those who don't want to pay for the premium security package.
Do they have another to cover the other half of the stadium? Seems ineffective if the threat is directly underneath or behind that position.
Have you considered multiple positions like this with overlapping fields of view?
With how the season is going, the snipper may be there to stop someone shooting Dak
There's a reason we don't see mass shootings in stadiums.
Somehow these crazy people are sane enough to consider what is an easy target.
I don't think this has anything to do with it, because there are plenty of stadiums that don't have built in snipers nests.
In my city they sit on top of the administration building. They’re only there for the largest events.
Is it me or is Costco not safe? I wish they had a sniper. Walmart needs a MOAB with a guy and a hammer 🔨⚒️ on the ready. Much safer.