Welp. I guess that makes sense. They have a much broader audience and utility than a gaming console. Probably higher margins too.
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Nintendo also hasn’t released a new console and the only notable first party game I recall is Super Mario Wonder, but I think that was released in 2023.
There was a new Mario party game this year too. They’re not good but they sell
There was a Zelda game released recently.
I think that was 2023 as well
Edit: Oh you’re talking about the Zelda Zelda game. Whoops. I was thinking of Tears of the Kingdom.
Not surprising given that they're designed to get lost or broken in less than a year. It's almost like they need something to keep them from falling onto the ground when they slip out of your ear. Some kind of tether, linking them to each other and a larger, harder to lose object. If only some such device could be invented, it would solve the problem. Alas, I guess we'll just have to learn to live with the problem.
It’s almost like they need something to keep them from falling onto the ground when they slip out of your ear.
I think you need to find a different ear tip my dude. Unless I'm doing something extreme I've never had them just fall out. I've had 30+ seconds of warning that they're slipping out of my ear before they'd fall out, but almost never just "whoops I'm free".
I wear beats buds ALot probably more than I should but I love listening to audio books. I would say 5+ hours a day in listening with one ear or the other. For probably the past several years.
If my dog didn't eat the one bud i would probably still be on my original pair from 4 years ago. Even with sweaty ears during a workout I have a good 5+ seconds heads up that is coming out. But that's extreme, for normal use I would agree that 20+ seconds when it's coming loose for one reason or another.
All that to say, I agree op needs to find better tips. They ship with several sets for a reason
To be fair, the regular (non-Pro) AirPods don’t come with silicone tips, right? I’ve seen various reviewers say they do fall out easily.
Not necessarily. It stays in place for most people
for most people
I'm assuming there was some sort of survey that shows this then?
I have had my airpods close too a year and in the time i think I had an earbud come out one time. And if it does happen you can have it play an alert to find it. My son's cat stole my wife's airpods and we were able to find them via find mine.
I find myself using my airpods way more than i did when i had wired headphones, plus airpods do not have have a wire to break. I have replaced more wired headphones for my son in the last year than i can count.
You'd better watch out, people get very upset when you point out flaws in the products they invest in. For many, this is their entire identity.
The least we could do for taking away the headphone jack is give them billions of dollars as a reward. I mean, this is Apple after all, they deserve it.