Pomegranate Cocktail, I have a pomegranate tree, and this is my favorite way to consume them. My recipe: 2 oz Bourbon ½ oz Triple Sec ½ oz Maple Syrup 4 oz Pomegranate Juice
Cocktails, the libationary art!
A place for conversation about cocktails, ingredients, home mixology, the bar industry or liquor industry, glassware - this is not an exhaustive list. If you think it's in some way related to cocktails it's probably fine.
If you post something you didn't create give credit whenever possible.
Pictures and recipes are encouraged when posting a drink as a standalone post. Example of an ideal drink post:
We love garnishes.
Remember the code of conduct, keep it nice. In terms of cocktails- specific etiquette that might be different from other communities:
Mentioning your blog, insta, website, book or bar is allowed, yes. For now at least, we do allow self-promotion. If it gets out of hand this might change.
A good post with a drink you don't like is still a good post! Try not to conflate the drink and the post or poster. If someone has a relevant title, gorgeous photo and clearly formatted recipe of what you consider a truly terrible drink, a comment is more appropriate than a downvote.
On that topic: Polite critique/reviews of drinks (or posts, images, etc.) is allowed here. Encouraged , even. It's a good tool for improving your drinks and content. Really, just be nice.
So everything's fair game? :) I'm having mead at the Drinking Horn Meadery in Flagstaff, AZ! Quite delicious. There's not much mead around where I live, so this is a nice treat.
Coureur des Bois maple whiskey (not the cream one) on ice.
I've been drinking a mix of oude genever, dry vermouth, peychaud's bitter, simple syrup and lime disk (like in a Ti'Punch). A mix between Old Fashioned, Martini and (ti')punch, and somehow it actually goes together quite well (or at least much better than some other experiments I did in the past). I'll have to try this recipe with other spirits, but I'm partial to genever and I think it's what makes the mix of Old Fashioned and Martini work, since genever itself is something like a mix between whisky and gin.
Chasing it down with chamomille tea, because I'm too old to be drinking alcohol all evening and I've grown bored of pure water lately.
Moving this weekend so we’ve been drinking whatever bottle is closest to empty and working our way up. Everything is some sort of Negroni.
La mejor bebida! Nothing is better.
I'm boring - every night is Crown and 7-up over chewy ice (I LOVE chewy ice). After my 12-oz 7-up is empty I transition to Coors Banquet bottles.
Smoked old fashioned from a touristy restaurant that was pretty dang good.
Just decided a batch of homemade ginger ale is ready to transfer into a keg for carbonation; suggestions?
I like using the ginger beer to ferment grapefruit juice. (I use ginger bug to make mine.) Dark & stormy is a delicious cocktail with ginger beer, or I also like it with coconut rum, lime, and cilantro :)
And wrapping up the weekend with a fancy vodka soda - muddled blackberries and sugar, half oz green Chartreuse, 2 oz vodka, hand squeezed a lemon in there. Shook with ice. Strained once, added soda water, Strained again over crushed ice in the glass.
Husband having the end of the bottle of The Judge High and Wicked bourbon.
Bourbon straight and Baijiu also straight
Taco night, so a Tommy Marg. 3 parts tequila, 2 parts lime, agave syrup, little pinch of salt.
Made a pitcher of margaritas for a party today, so had one of those. Yum. Now coffee, also a yum.