Wtf are you saying I don't even know what I'm looking at here
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Look at the lower blade. Zoom in. I added a custom bent paperclip as a guard, to prevent from cutting too deep.
Good zoom angle, thanks!
I'm still not sure what's the best/appropriate way to post multiple images on Lemmy yet..
Wow, I managed to see the guard rail but boy was that hard to find
I hope they're working well for you!
This has been a backburner idea of mine for like 3 years, I just finally got around to making this prototype today. Works way better than I expected even!
I was able to basically rip through all 10 fingernails and all 10 toenails within about 3 minutes, with not a single worry of cutting too deep 👍
I don’t understand what you mean by “cutting too deep”. It’s supposed to cut all the way through, that’s the whole point.
I think he means cutting the nail too short. So the guard stops the nail from going in too far and cutting the nails so short it hurts the nail bed underneath.
Personally I like my nails to be on the short side, since I do things like machining and woodworking as a hobby. Nothing ruins a fun day of working in the shop as folding or splitting a nail in the first 5 minutes. But I can understand for people who like to have their nails a bit on the longer side if this isn't a concern.
Got it, that makes sense!
Exactly 👍
It's not supposed to cut into the skin silly! 😂
Of course it cuts all the way through the nail!
Not a problem I’ve ever had but I’m glad you found a solution to your problem!
It was pointed out to me today that this would be perfect for mothers trimming their young infant/toddler's nails.
Looks like average nail clippers. What did you change?
Look at the lower blade. Zoom in. I added a custom bent paperclip as a guard, to prevent from cutting too deep.
Brilliant idea!
I have a version this on my pet's nail clippers that are made with them. The pet type is more like scissors, one side has a little plate you can swing around behind the opening so that you don't have to worry clipping the dark colored nails short when the quick is hidden. Really surprised there aren't any for people, especially for baby and elderly folks.