I have mixed feelings about stuff like this. On the one hand, Magic has intricate rules, and thousands of different cards, and as someone familiar with those rules and cards, it's always cool to see them come together to do something impressive.
On the other hand, this is a big part of why I don't play Timeless, or other high-powered formats. They're too fast to be fun. You might say "this almost never happens", but IMO it should literally never happen. Zero point zero zero percent of games should ever end on turn 1. I play Standard and I don't even like that games sometimes end on turn 3. Anytime a game ends and one player didn't get to do anything fun in it, it's a symptom of a design failure. If there were a board game where that happened, you wouldn't be able to get anybody to play it with you. Why we tolerate it in Magic is beyond me.