They already have it. With some oligarchs running social and classic media. There is no need to build a real wall if 98% are already living in self-imposed cages.
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There is no need to build a real wall if 98% are already living in self-imposed cages.
Oh yea, I literally witnessed this.
My parents and I are from PRC, and to this day, they still mainly consume Chinese media. And when smartphones became popular, the first thing they did (well not literally the first thing, but you get the point), was install Wechat, and many years later, they are mostly browsing WeChat every day. Even my mother, who speaks English (well enough to become a US Citizen), still only consume mainly Chinese media. When she uses Youtube, its to watch Chinese TV Drama. All the news come from WeChat. Even the US far-right propaganda that's handpicked by the CCP. She just constantly spews "dEmOcRaTs aRe rUiniNG NYC", something something... "miGRaNT cRiSiS". We don't even live in NYC anymore, wtf lol.
So yea, Americans seems to be very similar. Everyone just go on Instagram, Twitter ๐คฎ, Facebook (who the fuck even use that anymore). And even the redditors are like "Lemmy is too 'complicated', I'll just stick with this corporate controlled platform and boot-lick".
So yea, seem like the US doesn't need to do anything.
I have news for you: it already exists. It's still more or less dormant, but all it would take is one order to activate.
It's called CloudFlare.
Lol a low fence and some warnings about DEI and Woke would be enough to stop 25% of this country from even venturing outside the safe zone.
Id be happy because the rest of the world would now have massive gaps in the tech space allowing better companies to take over and innovate again in the space this time under stronger (likely European or Chinese) rules
I'd consider being forced to sell off TikTok adjacent to it, and I hate it. Should be considered unconstitutional, but it's not like that matters anymore.
wouldn't happen. the internet is mainly and rather unfortunately Western focused.
if it would happen every major company in the united states would pull out to another country.
as per a hypothetical scenario? I'd probably just move. I already dealt with enough racism on other platforms run by american Nazis it would be even worse in a closed subset lol
Iโd probably just move.
Getting permanent residency in another country is very difficult.
Its difficult enough for someone to immigrate to the US, one of the most lenient on immigration. Its 10x more difficult in, say, an EU country. If you aren't rich, be a "skilled worker", or be able to marry a citizen of an EU country, or have close relatives there, there close to zero chance for you to immigrate.
Let me have my pipe dream darn it lmao
Disagree. They eventually do everything China does with regard to technology
I wouldn't care: I'm not an American and can't recall anything American that is super important to me.
But still that would be bad the same way as China's and Glorious Korea's firewalls are bad.